The Glory That Was Greece 1/28/05
Objectives ► Discuss the political and ethical ideas Greek philosophers developed ► Discuss the goals of Greek architects ► Discuss how the Greek theater evolved
Lovers of Wisdom ► Greeks were driven by curiosity and guided by a belief in reason ► Some Greeks believed that events did not occur because of the god ► Known as philosophers-lovers of wisdom ► Explored many subjects (music, science, math, etc. ) ► Others were more interested in social behavior
► Sophists-questioned accepted ideas about truth and justice ► Students developed a rhetoric-the art of skillful speaking ► Older Greeks condemned including Socrates
Death of a Philosopher ► “The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates ► Wanted people to examine their deepest beliefs and ideas ► Truth cost him his life ► Was able to get people to contradict themselves using the “Socratic Method” ► Seen as an annoyance
► When Socrates was 70 he was arrested for corrupting the youth and not believing in the gods ► He felt that he should be spared because he wanted people to question their beliefs and besides, there weren’t many people like him ► 501 jury members did not agree, condemned him to death
► The jury believed he was arrogant since he did not beg, in fact, he was very calm ► He accepted the penalty because he was loyal to the Athenian Law ► He drank a cup of hemlock (poison) ► Danced and chatted with friends and students until he died ► “Crito, I owe a rooster to Asclepius.”
Ideas About Government ► The shock of the death of Socrates made Plato leave Athens for 10 years ► He thought that through rationale thought people could discover unchanging ethical values, perfect beauty, and how to organize an ideal society ► The Republic-discusses a 3 cast system
1) Workers to produce the necessities of life 2) Soldiers to defend the state 3) Philosophers to rule ► He also believed that the state should regulate every aspect of the citizens lives ► He also felt that women could rule in the ranks of the elites class
► Aristotle-Plato’s most famous student ► Analyzed many types of governments ► Found good and bad examples of all ► Was suspicious of democracy, thought it could lead to “mob rule” ► He favored having 1 strong person rule ► Good conduction meant “golden mean” moderate course between extremes
► Both Plato and Aristotle set up schools ► Plato founded the Academy after his 10 year absence from Athens ► Aristotle founded the Lyceum
The Search for Beauty and Order ► Plato believed that every object on Earth had an Ideal form ► Architects felt the same way ► Built the “Parthenon” and dedicated it to Athena ► Reflected harmony ► Examples of this architecture can be found all over the world
► Greeks also carved sculptures figures in rigid posing, imitating Egyptians? 450 BC-developed carving styles that allowed statues to be in more natural poses (running) 450 BC-developed carving styles that allowed statues to be in more natural poses (running) ► They also painted on vases and other pottery
Poetry and Drama ► Set the style that the Europeans called “classic style” ► Homer wrote epics, Sappho sang love songs ► Drama-first Greek plays evolved out of religious festival ► A chorus responded to the action by singing or chanting commentary between the scenes
► Often based on popular myths and legends ► Greatest Athenian playwrights were Aeschylus and Sophocles, and Euripides ► They wrote tragedies ► Antigone (Sophocles) explored what happens when an individual’s moral duty conflicts with the laws of the state
► Greek playwrights also wrote comedies and political cartoons
The Writing of History ► Herodotus was known as the “Father of History” ► Noted bias and visited many land before writing The Persian Wars ► Thucydides wrote about the Peloponnesian War and tried to remain objective ► This set the standards for future historians