Old Stuff
Major European Developments By 1300s much of Europe was Christian… Feudal system dominated and Greece and Rome had been forgotten – Life dominated by local issues BLACK DEATH
The Renaissance Started 1400s Born out of the Black Death Movement toward cities Middle class of bankers, merchants, and traders emerge More global trade
Humanism As money increased… more was spent on history Humanity – Personal accomplishment and personal happiness Re-emergence of Greek and Roman ideas Focus on human endeavors… HUMANISM
Renaissance Arts MEDICI Family – Powerful bankers – PATRON of the Arts Michelangelo Leonardo Da Vinci Donatello
I “GUT” It Johann Gutenberg – Mid 1400s – Develops printing press – Led to more knowledge – Books were written in own vernacular – Machiavelli’s THE PRINCE Suggested how a monarchy should rule (for the state not the people) Suggested separation of Church and State
More Literature Erasmus – Praise of Folly Made fun of politics Sir Thomas More – Utopia Describes an ideal society William Shakespeare
Protestant Reformation Roman Catholic Church began selling INDULGENCES – Allowed people to buy their way into heaven Land owning nobles became resentful of the Church due to exploitation of resources
Martin Luther 1517 Nailed a list of 95 theses on a church door It listed grievances with the church Quickly distributed Leads to Christianity splitting… again – LUTHERANS – Opened the floodgates to other thinkers
John Calvin In 1530s led Calvinists Spread from Switzerland Preached only a few would be saved
Around the same time… KING HENRY XIII (the tudors) Wanted a son for an heir Divorced, beheaded, and died… Divorced, beheaded survived Establishes the Church of England (Anglican)
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction Catholic Reformation or the COUNTER REFORMATION Reforms itself and wins back some losses IGNATIUS LOYOLA – Formed the Jesuits COUNCIL OF TRENT – Presided over the reform and led interpretation of religious doctrine
Scientific Revolution: Use it or lose it Mid 1500s Focus in on scientific investigation COPERNICUS – Mathematically shows Earth revolves around the sun Galileo – Creates telescope – Showed rotation of earth… clashed with the church They put him under arrest
Scientific Method: In search of truth Developed by Brahe and Bacon… late 1500s Kepler – Laws of planetary motion Newton – Laws of Gravity – Laws of Motion
The Enlightenment: Out of the dark and into the light Born out of the Scientific Revolution 17 th and 18 th century Hobbes – SOCIAL CONTRACT Leviathan… advocated an all powerful ruler Locke – Believed mankind was good – Believed government was to protect our rights Life, liberty, and property
Enlightenment cont… Rousseau – Argues for freedoms – General will of the people Montesquieu – Separation of Powers Voltaire – Religious toleration LED TO THE ENLIGHTENED MONARCHS – Joseph of Austria, Frederick II of Prussia, Catherine the Great (although it comes back to haunt her) – They took on enlightenment beliefs, increased opportunities for serfs, attempted to tolerate diversity
European Exploration Portugal is the major player at the start – Prince Henry the Navigator – Bartholomew Dias Reaches Cape of Good Hope – Vasco de Gama Rounded Cape of Good Hope and reaches India Christopher Columbus – 1492 – Thought he has found the West Indies
Other Explorers Ponce de Leon – Explored Florida Balboa – 1 st found the Pacific Ocean Magellan – Crew was first to go round the world Cortes – Conquered Aztecs Montezuma: Aztec Leader Tenotichlan Pizzaro – Peru – Conquered Incans
Encomienda System Sort of like feudalism Creoles – People born in the new colonies to Spanish parents Mestizos – Euro and Native American ancestry Mulattos – European and African Ancestry
Columbian Exchange