Renaissance Science Nicolaus Copernicus studied the universe –Determined that the sun was at the center of the universe and Earth. –He believed that Earth was just one of many planets that revolved around the sun. –His ideas were challenged by many of the experts of the time
Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus’ model
Renaissance Science Galileo Galilei - lived in Italy and developed a telescope. –He used this to prove the theories of Copernicus. –The Church condemned Galileo and made him recant (take back) his observations that the earth was at the center of the Universe. –After his trial in which he recanted his findings, Galileo is supposed to have uttered to Church officials, “It did move,” referring to Earth moving around the sun.
Galileo Galilei
Renaissance Science A new way of thinking came about known as the Scientific Method. –This method allowed scientists to make sure their ideas and findings were correct and accurate.
Johannes Guttenberg Was an inventor during the mid 1400’s Invented a printing press with moveable type. –This allowed for books to be published more quickly Guttenberg used his printing press to mass produce German translations of the Bible.
Johannes Guttenberg –This was known as the Guttenberg Bible. –It is important because for the first time more people than ever could get printed copies of the Bible to study for themselves Now they didn’t need to rely on priest for Biblical guidance.
Printing Press
Northern Europe Renaissance More religious tone, wanted reforms to eliminate abuses in the Church. Led by Christian Humanists. Erasmus: The Praise of the Folly 1511 –This work attacked extravagance of Renaissance popes, stating that they were corrupt and no longer practiced Christianity. Sir Thomas More: Utopia 1516 –Friend of Erasmus, wrote a book that criticized society by comparing it to an ideal society, in which all citizens are equal and prosperous.