Abt Associates Inc. In collaboration with: I Aga Khan Foundation I Bitrán y Asociados I BRAC University I Broad Branch Associates I Deloitte Consulting, LLP I Forum One Communications I RTI International I Training Resources Group I Tulane Universitys School of Public Health Building Local Capacity for Health System Strengthening Fred Rosensweig January 13, 2010
Agenda Health systems strengthening context for organizational capacity-building Overview of Health Systems 20/20 s approach Case example – Kinshasa School of Public Health Takeaways
Definition of organizational capacity- building Organizational capacity-building is a systematic process that uses a range of interventions to improve the performance of an organization.
Health Systems 20/20 vision for capacity- building Focus on country and regional organizations that support and strengthen the health system, e.g., central government agencies, research institutions, NGOs Implement tangible, measurable, and sustainable improvements in the organizational performance of key organizations Address the full range of organizational competencies
Role of organizational capacity-building in health systems strengthening Ensuring an enabling environment for health systems (i.e., institutional infrastructure needed to strengthen and support the health system) Identifying and strengthening key organizations that support the overall health system Supporting all six building blocks
Whose capacity needs to be strengthened? CategoryRole Central government organizations Policy, strategy, planning, coordination, resource mobilization Local governmentImplementation, local coordination NGOs and consulting firms TA, training, advocacy, professional associations, etc. Research institutionsResearch and studies Training institutionsTraining and education
Examples of organizations Health Systems 20/20 is strengthening Government HIV/AIDS Office in MOH (DRC) NAC Secretariat (Liberia) NAC (Mozambique) NMCP in MOH (Malawi) HIS Directorate (Namibia) NGOs/Consulting firms AFENET PROSALUD (Bolivia) Local organizations in Zambia and Senegal Health Systems Action Network Research Institutions Kinshasa School of Public Health HSPI (Vietnam) Makerere School of Public Health CESAG ECSA Regional Institute of Public Health (Benin) HEARD
Approach to strengthening organizations Address the full range of core competencies of these organizations ( whole of system approach) Use an approach that draws from the best practices of organizational development
What areas need strengthening? Core competencies
Organizational development approach Expectation setting Rapid organizational assessment to identify priority needs Design of intervention plan Implementation of intervention plan Ongoing M&E Planning to sustain progress
Illustrative interventions Organization and Management - Management training - Organizational restructuring - Team-building - Strategic planning Management Systems - Financial management - Information technology - Administrative procedures Resource Mobilization - Business planning - Proposal writing - Business development units Governance - By-laws - Roles and responsibilities - Board-building Technical Competence - Training, OJT, mentoring TA and Training - Training of trainers - Consulting skills
Promising practices Process led by skilled OD consultant with overall responsibility for making sure the pieces fit together Constant engagement with the leadership of the organization to build ownership and commitment to change Approval of all consultants by local organization Actively build the capacity of the leadership team to guide the change process Reliance on short-term local consultants whenever possible Blend of practical short-term improvements to build confidence and momentum and still address key long-term issues
What does success look like? Indicators Accepted and understood strategy to guide decision-making Adequate number of qualified staff with clear roles and responsibilities to carry out key functions Leadership that can provide direction and align actions with strategy Management capacity to plan, budget, and implement Key management systems (financial, IT, and procurement) in place and functioning Effective relationships with other organizations established Governance structure that provides checks and balances Ability to mobilize resources to carry out mandate
Kinshasa School of Public Health Case Example
Background Founded in the mid 1980s with USAID support provided mostly through Tulane Under the School of Medicine in UNIKIN but has high degree of autonomy Masters programs in public health and health economics Joint degree PhD programs Aging core faculty (seven full professors) Well respected and valued resource Run by formally appointed five-person management committee
Background (cont.) US$ 6m in funding for projects in 2010 Two assessments highlighted organizational weaknesses. USAID/Kinshasa asked Health Systems 20/20 to assist and try a different approach than in the past
Overall goal Serve as the primary source of high level expertise in public health in the DRC Train a cadre of officials to play leadership roles in the public health system throughout DRC Establish a sustainable organizational foundation to enable KSPH to:
Health Systems 20/20 program Three-year US$ 2.4m activity from FY 09-11: Organizational strengthening component Scholarship component
Scholarship program MPH 25 MPH scholarships per year Revised selection criteria to increase number of female students this year Doctoral Funds for four PhD students to complete their degrees Two new PhD students
KSPH core competencies
Approach Conducted a two-week rapid assessment to identify issues and develop three-year work plan Identified a local team. Careful attention to getting each consultant started Part-time local coordinator to follow up OD specialist visits once per quarter to monitor work of local team and conduct specific interventions Town meetings with KSPH staff to communicate
Organizational strengthening component Strengthening leadership team Improving the financial management system Upgrading IT capacity Strengthening resource mobilization capacity Revision of the MPH curriculum Improving performance and productivity of administrative services Procurement (IT, photocopier, generator, etc.)
Expected results after three years Cohesive leadership team providing direction to KSPH and the institutional strengthening initiative IT system that provides secure and reliable internet access Resource mobilization plan developed and aligned with national health strategy Strengthened financial management system that accounts for expenditures and provides information for decision-making Next generation of KSPH faculty completed PhDs and being prepared to assume leadership role Increased number of women MPH students Revised MPH curriculum More efficient administrative services
Summing Up
Takeaways Mapping the organizations at the national level needed to support HSS Focusing on the whole organization is critical Size of the organization matters Type of organization matters (network, government organization, private, NGO, university, etc.) Country context matters Organizational capacity-building is not a quick fix. Trust builds over time and core issues begin to surface Autonomy is the key, not whether the organization is governmental or not
Future challenges for organizational capacity-building Building a body of knowledge about how to build capacity at the central and local government levels to support health systems strengthening Lack of OD skills in most countries is a main constraint Finding ways to measure success and developing meaningful indicators Finding ways to replicate and scale up capacity- building efforts
Abt Associates Inc. In collaboration with: I Aga Khan Foundation I Bitrán y Asociados I BRAC University I Broad Branch Associates I Deloitte Consulting, LLP I Forum One Communications I RTI International I Training Resources Group I Tulane Universitys School of Public Health Thank you Reports related to this presentation available at