Agenda Introduction of the Problem Overview of NetFlow Demo of Applications Built on NetFlow The COMP 410 Experience Final Thanks Questions & Answers
Problems Beyond Connection How do you interpret massive amounts of heterogeneous data? Where do you store this data? How do you transmit this data? Where do you analyze this data so you can understand it? What happens when a device disconnects intentionally or unintentionally? How does another device access and use this data? How can we make our solution extensible?
Areas of Focus High volumes of heterogeneous data Solution: Intermediaries to aggregate, analyze, and summarize sensor data Disconnections and Data Loss Solution: Intermediaries to store received information to resend upon failure Compatibility with 3 rd Party Devices Solution: An extensible framework that can use any communication protocol
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Abstracted Goals
Building a Distributed Data Pipeline
Example: Burglar Alarm 1.When a person opens the door, take a photo of that person. 2.Determine whether the photo is suspicious. 3.If so, archive the photo and alert the building security team.
Step 1: Designing the Pipeline Graph
Step 2: Designing the Network Many Attached to Doors One in the Cloud Many in Admin Offices
Step 2: Designing the Network Many Attached to Doors One in the Cloud Many in Admin Offices
Step 3: Building an Application for Each Device
Step 4: Deploying each Device
The Subproblems of Building a Pipeline 1.Designing the Pipeline Graph 2.Designing the Network 3.Building an Application for each Device 4.Deploying each Device
Which Subproblem Does NetFlow Solve? 1.Designing the Pipeline Graph 2.Designing the Network 3.Building an Application for each Device 4.Deploying each Device
Flow-based Programming Flow-based programming… defines applications as networks of "black box" processes… where the connections are specified externally to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly to form different applications without having to be changed internally.
Example: Burglar Alarm Components
What Goes Into a Business Logic Component? We need to write a function to process incoming messages We need the framework to provide a function to handle outgoing messages
Building Business Logic Components
What Goes Into an Adapter Component? We need to write a function to transform incoming messages We need to write a function to transform outgoing messages We need the framework to provide a function to handle outgoing messages We need to write a startup function We need to write a shutdown function
Building Adapters to Third-Party Services
Review: NetFlow Provides… Component Interfaces Standard Networking Components Application Graph Configuration API Application Runner Plus: Robust Connections and System Diagnostics
Evolution of NetFlow DEVELOPMENT GAINS
P0 Deliverables Connects devices with different protocols Interacts with WunderBar and Kinect through adapters Transfers and interprets data sent between devices Transfers photos intermittently from Collector to Monitor Sends alerts to trigger Alarm Aggregates and analyzes data Stores pictures in local storage Analyzes pictures’ timestamps
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
P1 Deliverables Framework Scalability Interaction with Cloud Services to store and produce data Establish Infrastructure to Aggregate Data Heterogeneous data, multiple inputs and outputs Dynamic Network Topology Introduce new components without reconfiguring
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
P2 Deliverables Complete Data Aggregation Extended Prototype 1 structure to add automatically generated data in order to demonstrate scalability Robust Connections Recovery from network failure between connected components System Diagnostics Parse network logs to display topology graphically Log aggregation and filtering
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Network Graph
Network Graph
Final Deliverables Data Aggregation Dynamic network transferring data and making decisions End-to-end Disaster Resource Distribution Application Framework Scalability Metrics Measure the operational costs of the Framework Scale those costs to appropriate limits System Diagnostics Connected frontend to a live application database
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished
Scalability and Extensibility Framework Extensibility Ground-to-Cloud Integration Building a Virtual Network in the Cloud Scalability Metric Tests Abstract the Framework from the Application Build Large-Scale Metric Tests Specific to Framework Unearths Flaws in the Framework Next Metric Test Iteration Not Yet Completed
Dynamic Network Topology Framework Scalability Data Aggregation Historical Data Storage Robust Connections System Diagnostics Accomplished P
COMP 410 According to Rice COMP 410 is a pure discovery-based learning course designed to give students real-life, hands-on training in a wide variety of software engineering issues The topics encountered include and are not limited to … interacting with customers problem specification and tasking individual and group communications human resource management group leadership
COMP 410 According to… Veterans “This class takes up a lot of time. It is completely doable if you work smart and pace yourself properly. Good luck with that.” – Course Evaluation “If you don't use caffeine. Try it.” – Nathan Shih “ Every single thing you do in this class will be wrong.” – Dr. Wong
What We Learned THE HARD WAY
Importance of Communication “It is as if we are falling off a cliff but the information doesn't get out until we hit the ground.” – X Liu “I've learned through this class that ‘no news is good news’ does not apply to software engineering.” – Lauren Schmidt “T'was the night before Demo, and all through Piazza Panic was spreading, an outright miasma, A fix was proposed, and not found outright wrong, And left all of us hoping it would satisfy Wong.” – Franco Bettati
Importance of Communication Defining clear expectations for task completion Who is working on what for how long? Documenting technical challenges encountered The same problems reoccur, but so can the same solutions! Knowing when (and to whom) to provide questions/feedback Ensuring information flows through the class hierarchy appropriately. Retrieving solutions from outside 410 (domain experts, staff etc.). Contacting customers with elaborating questions and updates.
Documentation First “Follow the advice of every COMP410 ancestor ever and make a system use case diagram and system block diagram ASAP.” – Aaron Roe “We have suffered enough.” – Aaron Roe “I continually rediscover again and again that being disciplined in making sure that you completely understand something before you code it makes the coding the easiest part.” – Aaron Roe “Don't worry, trust me! ” – X Liu
Documentation First Everyone is on the same page during development of a feature The feature has been designed and discussed before code prevents you from changing your mind The team understands the feature better and how it will work
Personal Growth
Beck Chen — Graduate Motivation of Taking 410 Lessons Learned from Being a Team Lead Lessons Learned from Others
Xilin Liu — Undergraduate Documentation Testing Communication Teamwork
Everything We Accomplished We Built… A Framework that connects cloud and ground based devices that can send heterogeneous data, process the data, and transfer the data throughout the network An Example Resource Distribution Application User Manual for NetFlow We Learned… Software Engineering Best Practices How much we can accomplish as a team
We would like to thank…
Everyone Who Helped Us to Success! Schlumberger Team Danny Dykes Andrea Pound Matthew Worthington Stephen Whitley Chuk Ovuworie Invisible Connect Guru Jim McDougall Our Professors Stephen Wong Dung Nguyen Our TAs Anastasia Novinskaya Ryan Lear