Opening the ILS for Discovery DLF ILS Discovery Interface Task Force API Recommendation Emily Lynema Terry Reese code4lib February 27, 2008
code4lib Background ILS is a monolithic, centralized system Patron discovery and delivery is becoming more de-centralized The ILS can no longer do *everything* well We need better tools for integration –Our focus: Patron discovery, from search to use Finding relevant resources (discovery) Acquiring them (delivery) Managing their usage (patron info and account)
February 27, 2008code4lib Charge Convened summer 2007 by DLF Analyze: problems integrating ILS with external discovery applications Create: technical recommendation for improving integration What will be the outcome? –An idea, not a product or implementation –You can help build the implementations!!
February 27, 2008code4lib Membership John Mark Ockerbloom, Penn (chair) Terry Reese, Oregon State Patricia Martin, California Digital Library Emily Lynema, NC State Todd Grappone, Univ. of Southern California Dave Kennedy, Univ. of Maryland David Bucknum, Library of Congress Dianne McCutcheon, National Library of Medicine
February 27, 2008code4lib Functions & bindings Improve integration by specifying set of functions (API) Abstract functions –Functionality, inputs, outputs Possible bindings for implementation –Suggest possible technology Encourage use of non-library standards
February 27, 2008code4lib Core vs. Expanded Specify functions most important for immediate implementation [by vendors] 3 usage profiles –Minimum for OPAC supplement (enhanced discovery) –Minimum for OPAC alternative (replaced discovery + delivery) –Robust discovery platform (would be nice)
February 27, 2008code4lib Data aggregation Bulk harvesting for external apps that maintain local indexes –Incremental harvesting by date added / last updated HarvestBibliographicRecords HarvestHoldingsRecords HarvestExpandedRecords HarvestAuthorityRecords
February 27, 2008code4lib Real time search On the fly access to real time data On the fly lookup of original record Federated real time searching Searching –Search –Scan –SearchCourseReserves Identifer lookup –GetAvailability –GetRecords –GetAuthorityRecords
February 27, 2008code4lib Patron functionality Patron authentication and account information Delivery functionality as managed by the ILS Patron Account –LookupPatron –AuthenticatePatron –GetPatronInfo –GetPatronStatus –RenewLoan Delivery –HoldTitle –HoldItem –CancelHold –RecallItem –CancelRecall
February 27, 2008code4lib OPAC embed / escape Support rewriting OPAC displays to include external content / services Support output transformation of OPAC displays for use outside of ILS Possible behaviors: –OutputRewritablePage –OutputIntermediateFormat
February 27, 2008code4lib Where do we go from here? Now soliciting feedback: vendors + library community Finalize draft (spring 2008) Make recommendations to DLF –What happens next? –What will be needed to maintain recommendations? –How will they be implemented?
February 27, 2008code4lib How can I participate? Read draft and send feedback: Join the conversation: –Breakout session 2:40 – Contribute code –Work with existing efforts (VuFind, XC) to build open source connector implementations –Implement as part of your open source ILS –Encourage ILS vendors to implement
February 27, 2008code4lib Full draft recommendation Most up to date on wiki – –or just search dlf ils wiki –can post comments there, as well Available as Word documentWord document –attachment is in left nav bar on wiki