1 Africa Regional Consultations Summary & Recommendations 17 October 2003 By. H. Rukato Second International Conference on Early Warning, Bonn, Germany
2 PRESENTATION Disaster Profile of Africa Disaster Profile of Africa Major hazards and vulnerabilities Major hazards and vulnerabilities Current Situation in Early Warning Current Situation in Early Warning Trends and Issues Trends and Issues Key Constraints Integrating EW in Public Policy Key Constraints Integrating EW in Public Policy Needs for Developing Effective EWS Needs for Developing Effective EWS Recommendations for Action Recommendations for Action Examples of Initiatives to Address Major Needs Examples of Initiatives to Address Major Needs
3 Disaster Profile of Africa The occurrence of natural disasters, and the number of people affected, are increasing The occurrence of natural disasters, and the number of people affected, are increasing The most common threats are, from : epidemics (32%), floods (27%), drought (21%), and windstorm (9%) The most common threats are, from : epidemics (32%), floods (27%), drought (21%), and windstorm (9%) All these disaster are affecting peoples food and water security, and also the economic growth of the countries. For example, the 2000 floods in Mozambique reduced the economic growth rate from 10% to 4%, and affected almost 2million people. Three years later people are still struggling to recover from the devastating impacts of floods. All these disaster are affecting peoples food and water security, and also the economic growth of the countries. For example, the 2000 floods in Mozambique reduced the economic growth rate from 10% to 4%, and affected almost 2million people. Three years later people are still struggling to recover from the devastating impacts of floods.
4 Major hazards and vulnerabilities Hazards Hazards –Epidemics –Droughts –Floods –Windstorms –Insect infestation and famine Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities –Poverty, and low incomes –Political instability –Weak governance, including weak institutions and regulatory enforcements, including poor urban planning,
5 Current Situation in Early Warning Most of the sub-regions have developed EWS covering food security, and climatic factors Most of the sub-regions have developed EWS covering food security, and climatic factors Food security warning systems are the most developed and widespread, and are based on the major international EWS Food security warning systems are the most developed and widespread, and are based on the major international EWS Implementation of National Action Programmes (NAPs) for drought and desertification EWS at the national level at varying levels of progress Implementation of National Action Programmes (NAPs) for drought and desertification EWS at the national level at varying levels of progress EWS for other major threats, such as epidemics, fires and geological hazards, are not yet developed EWS for other major threats, such as epidemics, fires and geological hazards, are not yet developed There is therefore a need to expand the scope of EWS to include other hazards, and focus on localised disasters There is therefore a need to expand the scope of EWS to include other hazards, and focus on localised disasters
6 Trends and Issues Moving from being reactive to being proactive Moving from being reactive to being proactive Improvement in communication of warning messages e.g Sub-Regional Climate Outlook Forums Improvement in communication of warning messages e.g Sub-Regional Climate Outlook Forums There is a growing trend towards undertaking vulnerability assessments There is a growing trend towards undertaking vulnerability assessments Developing comprehensive disaster reduction strategies to provide the context for early warning, such by NEPAD Developing comprehensive disaster reduction strategies to provide the context for early warning, such by NEPAD Increasing awareness of the need to integrate traditional and local knowledge into EWS Increasing awareness of the need to integrate traditional and local knowledge into EWS Overall, progress in EWS development is being made, but needs to be expedited address the growing effects of disasters Overall, progress in EWS development is being made, but needs to be expedited address the growing effects of disasters
7 Key Constraints Integrating EW in Public Policy Technical-monitoring and forecasting Technical-monitoring and forecasting –Deteriorating state of monitoring stations Information dissemination and communication Information dissemination and communication –Poor orientation and capacity –Weak capacity in technical aspects of early warning Coordination and co-operation Coordination and co-operation –Duplication of efforts in relation to some hazards EWS Political responsibilities Political responsibilities –Commitment of political support, including financial, human and technological resources –Advocacy Public participation Public participation –Excessive centralisation EWS Public knowledge Public knowledge –Inadequate awareness and appreciation of disaster risk reduction practices at all levels –Inadequate user orientation because of the over-emphasis of the technological aspects to the exclusion of social aspects
8 Needs for Developing Effective EWS The major needs relate to the following factors: The major needs relate to the following factors: –Technological, Public understanding, Political commitment Technical-monitoring and forecasting Technical-monitoring and forecasting –Reliable data Information dissemination and communication Information dissemination and communication –Communication infrastructure and systems –Credibility of early warning messages Coordination and co-operation Coordination and co-operation –Integration of traditional coping strategies into early warning –Improving regional coordination and cooperation –Clear definition of institutional functions and responsibilities Political responsibilities Political responsibilities –Create safety nets for risk victims –Resources and institutional mechanisms and capabilities Public participation Public participation –Education and awareness on risk management and response Public knowledge Public knowledge –Develop a culture of prevention
9 Recommendations for Action These are both long term & short term, and relate mainly to: Strengthening local, national and sub-regional capabilities for early warning Strengthening local, national and sub-regional capabilities for early warning Rehabilitating, modernising, and expanding basic data and information infrastructure, particularly hydro- meteorological facilities Rehabilitating, modernising, and expanding basic data and information infrastructure, particularly hydro- meteorological facilities Enforcing rule of law for regulation and standards Enforcing rule of law for regulation and standards Integrating early warning and disaster risk management into national and sub-regional development plans Integrating early warning and disaster risk management into national and sub-regional development plans Strengthening a selected institution as a regional disaster reduction centre to play this role Strengthening a selected institution as a regional disaster reduction centre to play this role
10 Examples of Initiatives to Address Major Needs Strategy on Disaster Risk reduction: NEPAD- AU/UN/ISDR partnership-holistic approach including gender mainstreaming, natural resource management, particularly water, climate change Strategy on Disaster Risk reduction: NEPAD- AU/UN/ISDR partnership-holistic approach including gender mainstreaming, natural resource management, particularly water, climate change Creating ownership of EWS though the development of national and Sub-regional platforms Creating ownership of EWS though the development of national and Sub-regional platforms Information and knowledge: access and exchange through newsletters, conferences, and discussions with national authorities Information and knowledge: access and exchange through newsletters, conferences, and discussions with national authorities