Satire: Making fun of some aspect of culture, society, and/or human nature to hopefully improve it or inspire change. resources/dictionary-of-terms/satire/
Try to figure out what this skit is making fun of regarding human nature. What might be the creator’s hope for change?
Satire differs from comedy in that: ◦ Satire seeks to correct, improve, or reform through ridicule ◦ Comedy aims simply to amuse its audience ◦ Satire uses laughter as a weapon.
Formal (Direct) Satire The persona (speaker) uses first-person point of view This speaker may address the reader or a character within the work Example: “A Modest Proposal” Indirect Satire Some format other than direct address to the reader This is usually a fictional narrative, in which objects of satire are characters Example: Animal Farm
Horatian tolerant, witty, wise and self-effacing It does not aim to find evil in things It is done from an affectionate, almost loving point of view Emphasis is put on humor and on making fun of human dysfunction While the subject of the fun can be social vices, it is usually an individual's follies that are teased A key element of Horatian satire is that the audience is also laughing at themselves as well as at the subject of the mockery.
Juvenalian angry, caustic, resentful, personal Does not hold back in its barbed lacerations of its targets. Social vices, individuals, companies, and organizations can be the targets. The purpose of such invectives is to provoke an angry reaction from the audience aimed at the subject. As a result of this intention, the humor is put into the background and biting social criticism and polarized opinion come to the forefront.
The chief device of satire is irony. What are the three types of irony? A. Verbal Irony B. Dramatic Irony C. Situational Irony What is this cartoon’s “position”? What “change” is it seeking?
Parody: poking fun at something by mimicking or imitating it * Here’s a real one….
What is the “position” of this satire? What change would it like to see? Where is the IRONY in this cartoon?
Here’s another one…. s_please_don_t_take_my_air_jordans.html
Here’s the parody of Ted Talks by The Onion: 1.“Pretentious” : self-important speakers 2.Overly dramatic 3.Audience is rapt and dumb, sitting through anything – easily entertained with minimal quality ** We, as a society, accept whatever garbage is put in front of us and believe it is wonderful simply because the person up front IS up front **
/watch?v=IIP4ahSstA0 /watch?v=Vytafd6f0ss
What is being mimicked and mocked here? What might each parody be advocating as a change?
Ridiculously long, over- hyped film can be reduced to less than 3 minutes…! Why is it such a hit, anyway? This holiday is NOT being accurately remembered or celebrated with appropriate respect. If you celebrate like this, you are partially to blame for this problem. Star Wars Thanksgiving Celebrations
Caricature: poking fun at a character by exaggerating its personal characteristics in drawing or narrative
Caricature: …poking fun of Pres. Obama’s facial features, ears and thin body. He, as President, is an unlikely “hero” and many of the items in the movie short show how he really DIDN’T “save the day.”
President Bill Clinton Note the hearts and lipstick kisses….
President George W. Bush Note the “Bushie the Kid”…. – “outlaw in Texas” visual
What is the caricature poking fun at about Snoop Dog?
Juxtaposition : …the arrangement of two or more characters, ideas, or words side-by-side for the purpose of comparison, contrast, or character development.
Filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to explore the reason(s) behind the massacre of 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School on April 20, He documents how two students…easily acquired four pieces of firearms, despite of having a history of arrests, juvenile detention, counseling sessions, and drug dependencies. He documents how the U.S. has ended up as a country with the highest number of gun-related killings on Earth. Moore shows how easy it is to acquire guns and munitions - with examples of a bank giving a free gun just for opening a bank account, and of one particular municipality that makes gun-ownership mandatory. Moore then links the involvement of the U.S. with tyrants and terrorists such as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden for gain - resulting in deaths of millions of civilians from 1953 through to and its' refusal to review and change it's now notorious 'Foreign Policy'.
Moore's Juxtaposition of the "Wonderful world" music and the horrific scenes of all the death America has caused is extremely effective shows that America claims it is making the world a safe and "Wonderful World," whereas the truth is that this is not completely true in all cases.
Sarcasm : taunting on a personal level by saying something and meaning the opposite
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. MBcc
Incongruity : To present things that are out of place or are absurd in relation to its surroundings. Particular techniques include oxymoron, metaphor, and irony.
Incongruous and Ironic
Understatement: A figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important than it is.
Innuendo: a derogatory suggestion that is not literally spoken but is, rather, hinted at.
d-prosecutor-thinking-of-taking-police- br,37597/
Hyperbole/exaggeration: To enlarge, increase, or represent something beyond normal bounds so that it becomes ridiculous and its faults can be seen.
brazenly-placed-in-bag-without- permission,37871/
Reversal: To present the opposite of the normal order. Reversal can focus on the order of events, such as serving dessert before the main dish or having breakfast for dinner. Additionally, reversal can focus on hierarchical order—for instance, when a young child makes all the decisions for a family or when an administrative assistant dictates what the company president decides and does.
1. What type of satire is this? Direct or Indirect 2. Which style is it? Horatian or Juvenalian Hint: look for tone (grim, cheerful, sardonic, mock serious, optimistic, etc.) 3. What is the writer satirizing? What aspect of society or a person is the writer trying to criticize? 4. What is the writer's purpose in satirizing this subject? W hat do they want to change? 5. What is the solution the writer wants? 6. What literary devices does the writer use in this satire?
Irony Humor Parody Caricature Juxtaposition Sarcasm Incongruity Understatement Innuendo Hyperbole Reversal