HSAP ELA English Language Arts
Students should be able to… Read for comprehension Analyze and interpret text Determine meaning of new words Write for a Variety of purposes Select a topic for Exploration Gather info from a variety of sources Prepare and present info Reading Research Writing
4 types of writing Expository Persuasive Descriptive Narrative You will see these on the constructed responses ( at least 5 sentences) and the extended response (5 paragraphs). A constructed response will be in response to a passage and NEEDS at least one specific example or quote from that passage.
Expository The purpose of this type of writing is to EXPLAIN or “expose” a topic. Expository writing allows the writer to explain how or why questions. Example: Teenagers often strive to be different, yet they sometimes dress exactly alike. Explain why this statement is true.
Expository cont. Cause and effect is a type of expository writing. This is when you show a relationship one event/idea and another event/idea. The “cause” is the reason for the event and the “effect” is the result.
Expository cont. Compare and contrast is another type of expository writing. This is when the writer explain similarities and differences between two things/ideas.
Descriptive This style of writing is used to create a DETAILED picture of the topic. The reader should be able to close their eyes and “picture” the experience. Use all 5 senses when writing a descriptive essay or constructed response. Sight, Touch, Taste, Hear, Smell…
Narrative A narrative tells a story. This can be real or fantasy. Establish a point of view to tell your story. First person: telling a story about a personal experience. Use I, me, and my. Third person: telling a story as the observer. Use he, she, her, him, his, they, their.
Persuasive This style of writing is used when you are trying to sway or influence the reader to agree with your point of view. Important features associated with this type of writing include: purpose, audience (friends, teachers, parents, etc…), emotional appeal, argument building (your position on the issue).
Choose which type of writing for the following prompts. Describe the car of your dreams. Descriptive Volunteering to help with the elderly, handicapped, the sick, or humane society always expands your horizons. What interesting story can you relate? Narrative
Choose which type of writing for the following prompts. Congress has passed laws to control the pollution of our air, water, and food. Explain the effects of pollution on our environment. Expository Are parents or their children more responsible for school success? Convince a school board member of your viewpoint. Persuasive
Choose which type of writing for the following prompts. Compare and contrast two fast food restaurants that you attend on a regular basis. Expository If you were going to invent something, what would it be, and what would it look like? Descriptive
Extra Help Sessions April 4-8 for additional practice or help. Before school 7:45-8:15. After school 3:45 to 4:15 Room A215, A218, and A217