Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Global Partnership with Universities, Academic Institutions, Research Organizations GFDRR/ISDR.


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Presentation transcript:

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Global Partnership with Universities, Academic Institutions, Research Organizations GFDRR/ISDR Rajib Shaw Web: Research, Innovations Knowledge Generation, Sharing and Implementation Education and Learning

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Outline of Presentation WCDR Thematic Panel 3: Knowledge Management General overview of Kyoto University On-going Partnerships –Case Station and Field Campus –GOLFRE –Climate Change Research – TDLC Partnership Proposed Partnerships –Madras Univ.-METU-KU –WSSI Lessons Learned and Way Ahead

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies WCDR Kobe: Thematic Panel 3 KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATION AND EDUCATION: BULIDING A CULTURE OF SAFETY AND RESILIENCE Formal education is considered an the most important tool for knowledge development Identify, recognize the importance of traditional and indigenous knowledge bases, and utilize these bases effectively Disaster research needs to be incorporated in the science policy for implementation-oriented research and practice Community participation and awareness raising should be a synergy of top-down and bottom-up approach An appropriate use of information technology, combined with community level training can bring the education process close to implementation Media involvement with a communication strategy can be a very powerful tool for effective pre-disaster preparedness and mitigation activities

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University Established in 1897 One of the oldest universities in Japan 6 Noble Laureates Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI): an institute with more than 40 years of history: oldest in Japan Strong Engineering faculty Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies: multi- disciplinary graduate school International Environment and Disaster Management Laboratory: Action Research and Education in Asia

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Partnerships in Disaster Reduction On-going Partnership: Case Station and Field Campus Initiative Global Open Learning Forum on Risk Education Climate Change and Disaster Management Partnership with TDLC of World Bank (to be presented by Ryu Fukui) Proposed Partnership: Madras Univ.-METU-KU joint work on curriculum development on disaster reduction (to be presented by R. Krishnamurthy and Burcak Basbug) -World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI) proposed training for professional development of university teachers

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Case Station and Field Campus A partnership proposed in WCDR Kobe Thematic Session 3.2 Networks of university (case station) and NGOs (field campus) Promotes innovative research, targeting young professionals Process documentation, analysis and monitoring of field problems in close cooperation with NGO

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Case Station and Field Campus Framework Japan: DPRI/ KU Nepal: NSET/NEC India: SEEDS/ SPA China: BNU Turkey: BU Iran: IIEES Interested Organizations IIASA, EDM/NIED MEXT, Government of Japan

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Characteristics and Outputs Flexibility and openness Publications –Bi-monthly research bulletin –Thematic Working Papers –CASIFICA Journal Graduate students exchange programs and field visits: Nepal, India, China Sharing of experiences –Annual DPRI-IIASA Forum –Other in-country forum Policy makers viewpoint –Action Research, Implementation Research

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Global Open Learning Forum on Risk Education (GOLFRE) Launched in WCDR Kobe as a partnership –Thematic Session 3.1 Kyoto University is the founding member Operated by SEEDS India Network of Asian NGOs Frontier Disaster Practitioners University Knowledge Field Practice

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies

GOLFRE Activities Training Courses initiated by SEEDS –Training module development in Penang, Malaysia –Teachers Training Module in India Thinking of Diploma program –Targeting field practitioners Possible collaboration with Madras University, KU and SEEDS (yet to be discussed)

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Climate Change Research Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management Community and policy initiative India: Drought Sri Lanka: Flood and Drought (Peradenia Univ.) Bangladesh: Flood and Coastal Issues: (IFRC) Vietnam: Drought and Flood (Hue University, IMH, OXFAM) Laos and Cambodia: Drought (OXFAM) Japan: Flood, Typhoon and SLR

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies WSSI Interventions World Seismic Safety Initiative (WSSI) is a professional body, and an undertaking of IAEE (International Association of Earthquake Engineering) Has long history of collaboration with IDNDR at different levels: STC, Workshops, Policy, Program Forum Has a BOD from different universities: Stanford, Caltech, UBC, IIT, Tokyo and Kyoto University, NIT (Singapore) etc.

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies WSSI Proposed Interventions Can organize training programs for professional development of teachers from different universities in earthquake risk management Help in curriculum development IIT-Kanpur (India) is eager to offer its expertise in organizing professional development training in collaboration with WSSI

Kyoto University Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Lessons Learned / Way Ahead Lessons Learned: System: secretariat and steering committee People: Dedicated small group of people Sharing of Research Findings –Periodic Meeting / Seminar / Workshops –Video Conferences –Annual or bi-yearly conference –Journal (paper or e-journal) Needs to be small and focused Flexible but with tangible outputs Ownership and incentives of research Young professionals Way Ahead: CASIFICA: Eager to expand the network of universities, and joint research work, curriculum development GOLFRE: Can provide a good platform to link universities and field practices Climate Change Research: Needs a platform for sharing lessons and experiences WSSI: Can provide training