What is Podcasting ?
Podcasting is quickly becoming a buzz word among the techie crowd. Podcasting is online audio content. Many people compare podcasting to radio on demand.
In Reality podcasting gives far more options in terms of content and programming than radio does. Listeners can determine the time and the place, meaning they decide what programming they want to receive and when they want to listen to it.
What Can Podcasting Be Used For?
1.Self-Guided Walking Tours - Informational content. 2. Music - Band promotional clips and interviews 3. Talk Shows - Industry or organizational news, investor news, sportscasts, news coverage and commentaries
4. Training - Instructional informational materials. 5. Story - Story telling for children or the visually-impaired.
Podcast FAQ
Do I need an iPod to receive podcasts? No, you do not need an iPod to listen to podcasts. Podcasts are merely RSS feeds that include an audio file in the enclosure field. Many of the newer RSS feed readers allow users to listen to podcasts.
How do I create a podcast? Creating a Podcast basically means recording a audio file, and placing the file in an RSS 2.0 feed in the enclosure tag in an item. There are a number of software tools available to assist with recording and editing an audio file. There are also tools available to create an RSS 2.0 feed, give Audacity a try. Audacity
If I post the Podcast to my website why should I submit it to the podcasting directories? Promoting your podcast will increase your exposure and quite possibly bring you additional listeners.
Are there any size limitations to podcasts? There are no maximiums or minimums. Obviously larger files might intimidate listeners with a slow connection. Ultimately podcasts of any size can succeed, if the content is quality
Do you have to pay royalty fees when doing a music Podcast? If so, what site would you recommend? Podcasting and copyrights are a very tricky issue. There are a series of articles you might find useful at: Fair Use and Podcasts Copyrights and Podcasts Fair Use and Podcasts Copyrights and Podcasts
How Can I use Podcasting in my Classroom?
Homework Connect a Podcast to your webpage. The students and parents can listen to the homework for the days assignment.
Missing Assignment If you have make –up work that students who have been absent need to complete. Place a podcast on your website with directions to the work that is missed.
Substitute lesson 1.Record your lesson when you are not there. 2.You are there but are working with a small group. 3.This gives the rest of the students a chance work ahead.
Podcasted Lesson There are many places to go to find podcast lesson on any subject. You can Google them or just try teachertube.com.Googleteachertube.com Teacher Tube is a site where educators can find podcast that other teachers have done on many subjects. It is basically an educators You Tube.
Is there software already existing in my classroom? Yes Power Point can be used to create a podcast. How to create podcasting using PowerPoint?How to create podcasting using PowerPoint? SmartboardSmartboard is another tool that can be used to create a podcast. Audacity is a free site to edit and create podcast.
How to Podcast Steps to Podcasting - Resources for step by step podcasting
1.create audio file 2.add the audio file to an RSS 2.0 feed or make it a mp3 3.tell the world about your podcast
Here is a place to find more information
Podcasting Tutorial - Podcasting tutorial that provides step by step tutorial how to use FeedForAll to create a podcast. tutorial.htm
Thank you Now get out there and podcast (if you need any help contact Yvonda or Roger)