CCWG March 30 th Meeting CCWG Update to COPS April 13,
CCWG March 30 th Meeting RSS Feeds Update Added EILS landing page RSS Feed. Submit requests for new RSS Feeds through the ‘Feedback’ option on the ERCOT website or through CCWG. 2
CCWG March 30 th Meeting COPMGRRs COPMGRR017, Creating Section 8.2, Settlement Statements and Invoices Final review of comments, IA, and CEO Recommendation Report in April COPMGRR018, Updates to References of IDR and/or IDR Meter due to the proposed definition of IDR Meter in PRR845 The change is to capitalize IDR Mmeter Tabled at CCWG at the request of the Retail Metering Working Group 3
CCWG March 30 th Meeting COPMGRRs COPMGRR019, Revisions for Texas Nodal Implementation and Synchronization with PRR821 ERCOT Market Rules clean-up and standardization prior to Nodal CCWG will review comments in April COPMGRR020, Creating Subsection 10.3, Unregistered Distributed Generation Reports Specifies reporting requirements Final review of comments, IA, and CEO Recommendation Report in April 4
CCWG March 30 th Meeting COPMGRRs Draft COPMGRR, Market Participant Market Notice Process Updates Section 5 and Appendix A Submitted for COPMGRR number and currently in 21 day comment period Initial review by CCWG at April Meeting 5
CCWG March 30 th Meeting COP Market Guide Work continues: Section 6, Commercial Systems Model / Market Processes / Market Overview Section 7, Inputs to Settlement Process and Data Aggregation Section 8, ERCOT Invoice and Settlement Process Section 10, Extracts and Reports 6
CCWG’s Next Meeting Next meeting: April 29, 9:30 to Noon, ERCOT Austin, Room 211, or WebEx Agenda: COPMGRR017 COPMGRR018 COPMGRR019 COPMGRR020 Draft COPMGRR, Market Participant Notices Continue work on the COPMG 7
CCWG’s Next Meeting Questions? 8