Today’s Checklist Warm-up – review short story plot The Tell-Tale Heart questions Movie comparison.


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s Checklist Warm-up – review short story plot The Tell-Tale Heart questions Movie comparison

Short story plot 1. Introduction/ Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Conflict 4. Climax 5. Falling Action 5. Conclusion

The Tell-Tale Heart Questions Based on their use in the story, define the following words.  Fancy  Vex  Foul play From what point of view is the story told? Identify the climax of the story. Provide at least two examples from the text to support the claim that the narrator is insane.

Compare and contrast Watch the following video versions of “The Tell-Tale Heart” Shortz (8:00) vs. Version 2 (10:00) Shortz (8:00) Version 2 Which version do you think provides a better portrayal of the story? Which version do you think is more suitable for adults? For adolescents? For children?

Point of view Tornado hits west of Kingston Write two lines following this headline as…  The man  The tornado  The house… Would tell the story

Points of view First person The narrator is one of the characters in the story Clues: pronouns such as I, me, my, mine Narrator may not be completely reliable The reader finds out only what this character knows, thinks, and sees

Third person objective The narrator is not a character in the story Clues: third person pronouns such as he, she, his, her, its, they, and them Narrator is an observer: can only tell what is said and done Cannot see into the minds of the characters

Third person limited Narrator is not a character in the story, but tells the story from one character’s perspective  Can see into one character’s mind but no one else’s Clues: third person pronouns such as he, she, his, her, its, they, and them

Third person omniscient The narrator is not a character in the story Clues: he, she, his, her, etc. Narrator can see into the minds of all characters We find out what all or most of the characters do, fell, think and see

Examples Newspaper articles  Third person objective “Lamb to the Slaughter”  Third person limited “On the Sidewalk, Bleeding”  Third person limited “The Tell-Tale Heart”  First person