The sequence of events that take place in a story. The time and place in which the events of a story take place.
Direct--the author describes the character. Example--She was a large woman with a large purse. Indirect--the reader judges what the character is like based on what they say or do, or what other characters say about them. Example--We believe the narrator of "The Tell-Tale Heart" is crazy because he talks nervously and frequentlyrepeats himself.
WWord Choice--the author uses words that make the reader feel a certain way. A spooky atmosphere is created in "The Tell-Tale Heart" through the use of words like "hideous," "marrow," "chilled," and "nervous." PPacing--the author controls the speed at which we read through sentence length, punctuation, repetition of words and other techniques.
First person: the narrator uses "I" to tell the action, and is involved in the story. Third person: the story is told from a perspective outside the story. The characters are referred to by name, or as he, she or they.
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IInternal: The conflict happens in a character's mind. A character with a guilty conscience is an example of internal conflict. EExternal: The conflict happens between characters, or between a character and some outside force, like nature. Sherlock Holmes pursuing a criminal is an example of external conflict.
Choose any object you feel drawn too. Tell the story of your object. › Where did it come from? › Who was its previous owner? › What happened to the object and/or its owner that it ended up on a shelf at Goodwill?
› Exposition › Rising Action › Climax › Falling Action › Resolution
First Person Object must be Personified Your final copy must be typed. › words › Font: Times New Roman › 12-Point › Double-spaced › Illustrated Cover Page
“C” papers will have: › the minimum length of words. › First Person › Object must be Personified › Minimum of 1 other character › Your final copy must be typed. › Font: Times New Roman › 12-Point › Double-spaced › Illustrated Cover Page “B” words 2-3 characters “A” 500+ words 4+ characters
Working Draft is due › Wednesday, September 10 th › Be prepared to share your story with your peers.