Elements of Narrative Fiction THE SIX PARTS OF NARRATIVE FICTION 10/1/2014
What is Narrative Fiction? Narrative Fiction tells a made-up, imaginary story These can be novels, short stories, fables, folktales, etc. Can you name any narrative fiction that you’ve read?
1. Characters All narrative have characters The story centers around the main character There can be two types of main characters in a story. 1. Protagonist-the most important character 2. Antagonist- a person who struggles against the main character
2. Point of View First Person Point of View Third Person Point of View Narrator tells the story from his/her OWN point of view. The narrator observes the events of the story but does not take part in the story. (Bird’s eye view) KEY WORDS: I, we, me, us, our, KEY WORDS: he, she, they, or the character’s name being used over and over
3. Setting The time and place in which the story occurs. Some stories may have more than one time and place. The setting also helps to set the tone- the attitude that author/narrator takes toward the subject. Example: playful, serious, positive, etc. The setting also helps to set the mood- the emotion that the story creates in the reader. Examples: Cheerful, suspenseful, scary, nervous
4. Plot A sequence of events, including a conflict and some kind of resolution. What happens in the story? How does the story move from event to event? How do the characters change throughout the plot?
5. Conflict Conflict can be either internal or external. Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Self Man vs. Nature Which conflicts are internal? External?
6. Theme The conflict allows the characters to learn a lesson. This lesson learned is called the theme. What did the character take away from the story?