Welcome Teams!
Check on Tech Audio Wizard Elluminate tools – Hand raise – Microphone – Smiley face – Checkmark – Chat box – Polling IU 13 LDC Webinar2
Virtual Meeting Norms Please… participate by using the microphone, answering poll questions, collaborating in breakout rooms and using the chat window. raise your hand to indicate that you’d like to use the microphone when it is time for questions. release the microphone when you are finished. use the door to indicate that you are away from your computer if you need to step out. IU 13 LDC Webinar3
Questions for This Afternoon… What is LDC? What will this year look like? What can I do now? IU 13 LDC Webinar4
To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a technological society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and report on information and ideas, to conduct original research in order to answer questions or solve problems, and to analyze and create a high volume and extensive range of print and nonprint texts in media forms old and new. The need to conduct research and to produce and consume media is embedded into every aspect of today’s curriculum. -Common Core State Standards 5 What Does It Mean To Be College and Career Ready Today? IU 13 LDC Webinar
LDC: What it is! A “co-op” or community of teachers and partners using the LDC tools and sharing them in our region, state and all over the country to help students be more college and career ready. IU 13 LDC Webinar6
LDC Module 7IU 13 LDC Webinar
LDC Tasks vs. Previous Writing Prompts: Science Tasks: After researching the article on invasive species, write an essay that defines invasive species and explains how these organisms impact an ecosystem, economy, and people. Support your discussion with evidence from your research. Informational Explain what humans are doing to negatively impact the environment, using examples we discussed in class. LDC Writing Tasks Previous Writing “Assignments” Source: East Jessamine High School; Kentucky LDC 8IU 13 LDC Webinar
Let’s Take a closer Look Task 2 Template (Argumentative/Analysis L1, L2, L3): [Insert question] After reading _____ (literature or informational texts), write an _________(essay or substitute) that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. LDC Guide for Teachers, Appendix C Appropriate for: Social studies, science 9IU 13 LDC Webinar
English Teaching Task 21: What is Freedom? After reading Anthem by Ayn Rand and excerpts by the Transcendental writers Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson, write an essay that addresses the question and analyzes the meaning of the word “Freedom” from the authors’ perspectives, providing examples to clarify your analysis. What conclusion or implications can you draw? A bibliography is required. (L2): In your discussion, address the credibility and origin of sources in view of your research topic. (L3): Identify any gaps or unanswered questions. Task Template 2 — [3 Levels] Argumentation & Analysis L1: Will technology be the salvation or downfall of humankind? After reading "There Will Come Soft Rains" and the accompanying texts, write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3: Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Task Template 2 — [3 Levels] Argumentation & Analysis L1: Is it worth sacrificing freedom in the name of security? After reading Animal Farm and informational texts write an essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3: Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. IU 13 LDC Webinar10
Science Teaching Task 12: How does the structure of a cell membrane allow a cell to perform both active and passive transport? After reading informational texts, write an essay that defines and describes the fluid mosaic model and explains how molecules are transported through a cell membrane using various methods of active and passive transport. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). (L2): What conclusions or implications can you draw? Task Template 2 — [3 Levels] Argumentation & Analysis L1: Should the United States continue to use nuclear power and increase its uses as an energy source as we move through the 21st century? After reading the online texts listed below write an argumentative essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3: Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. IU 13 LDC Webinar11
Technical Subjects TASK TEMPLATE 13 — [1 LEVEL] INFORMATIONAL & DESCRIPTION L1: After researching news and scientific articles on Bovine Trichomoniasis, write an informational pamphlet for ranchers that describes what it is, how to recognize it and how to prevent it from affecting herds of cattle. Support your discussion with evidence from your research. TASK TEMPLATE 14 — [1 LEVEL] INFORMATIONAL & DESCRIPTION L1: What are the components of a nutritious diet for teenagers of different genders and activity levels? After reading a variety of resources, write an essay that describes the appropriate diet for a variety of teenagers and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). TASK TEMPLATE 4 — [1 LEVEL] ARGUMENTATION & COMPARISON L1: Who has committed a tort in the case of "Murder at ABC Company"? After reading Ch. 4 and 5 in the Business Law textbook, suspect profiles, testimonies, evidence reports, and similar opening statements from case studies, write an opening statement in a civil case that compares all of the evidence and argues the guilt of a defendant for a tort in the case. Be sure to support your position with evidence from the texts. IU 13 LDC Webinar12
World Language Task Template 2 — [3 Levels] Argumentation & Analysis L1: Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state of the United States of America or become its own independent country? After reading a variety of informational and persuasive texts write a letter to the President of the United States in Spanish that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3: Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Task Template 26 — [3 Levels] Narrative & Description L1: After researching various informational texts on Spain, write a formal letter home to your family that describes your experiences as a student studying abroad in either Barcelona or Madrid. L2: Use stylistic devices (e.g. imagery, tone, humor, suspense) to develop a narrative. L3: Use techniques to convey multiple storylines. IU 13 LDC Webinar13
Social Studies Task Template 14 — [1 Level] Informational & Description L1: During the Progressive Movement, how do the actions of the Progressives change the societal problems of the United States? After reading informational texts write an essay that describes at least three of the societal changes brought about by the Progressive Movement and addresses the question. Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s). Task Template 18 — [3 Levels] Informational & Synthesis L1: After researching primary sources, news/journal articles and current research on globalization, write an informational essay that explains the impact globalization has had on world culture. What conclusion or implications can you draw? Cite at least 5 sources, pointing out key elements from each source. A bibliography is required. L2: In your discussion, address the credibility and origin of sources in view of your research topic. L3: Identify any gaps or unanswered questions. IU 13 LDC Webinar14
Interdisciplinary Task Template 2 — [3 Levels] Argumentation & Analysis L1: Did “government” effectively utilize available scientific knowledge to better living conditions for the working class during the latter part of the Industrial Revolution? After reading provided texts, photographs and political cartoons write create a report that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2: Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3: Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Extension: contribute to group Weebly (website) Task Template 27 — [3 Levels] Narrative & Description L1: What challenges does an individual face who is attempting to reach the summit of Mt. Everest? After reading literature, about Mt. Everest, write a fictional narrative from the perspective of teenager who is attempting to be the youngest person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. L2: Use stylistic devices (e.g. imagery, tone, humor, suspense) to develop a narrative effect in your work. L3: Use techniques to convey multiple storylines. IU 13 LDC Webinar15
LDC AT-A-GLANCE DAY 1 Build Argumentative Module Implement your module with students in Oct-Nov Save ALL student papers Day 2 Score Your Papers & Jury Your Module Begin thinking about 2 nd module Make refinements to module 1 Day 3 Build Your Second Module & Submit all student papers Implement your 2 nd module with students Jan-May Score/Submit ALL student papers 5/15 Jury your module School Teams Meet= 24 hours total/year IU Support online or at your school Prepare for Showcase and Launch Plan IU 13 LDC Webinar16
Same course or content from different districts Different courses or content Same course or content Create OR Clone IU 13 LDC Webinar17
18IU 13 LDC Webinar
Here’s what you can do now… Identify possible key content for your first module. Think about who you might work with on your first module. Gather your materials. Think about what classes/courses you want to select for implementation-all, some, one? Be on the lookout for s with: Module Creator invite. LDC Sharepoint password/username. Reminders. IU 13 LDC Webinar20
Upcoming Events September at the IU 9/25/12 - Professional IU 13 (Group 1 HS, Day 1) 9/27/12 - Professional IU 13 (Group 2 MS, Day 1) October Webinars 10/11/12 – Implementing Your LDC Module: Getting Started in Your Classroom 10/25/12 – Implementing Your LDC Module: Writing Tips and Techniques IU 13 LDC Webinar21
Contact Us! Barbara Smith- LDC Site Lead Phone: (717) Cell Phone: (717) Skype: barbaraa_smith_iu Kelly Galbraith- LDC Consultant Phone: (717) Cell Phone: (717) Skype: kelly.galbraith.iu Marisa Stoner-LDC Program Assistant Phone: (717) IU 13 LDC Webinar22