Igniting Your Passion for Healthy Hearts September 15, 2009
Stacia Matthews WRTV6 News
Special Thank You to Our Premier Sponsors
Thank You To Our Additional Sponsors Sustaining Sponsors Contributing Sponsors
Thank You to Silent Auction Donors: Lia Sophia Jewelry-Teresa Silva MAC Cosmetics Marsh McCormick and Schmick’s Office of the First Lady Planned Parenthood President Benjamin Harrison Home Revelation Fitness Sam's Club Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating The Melting Pot The Pita Pit Tyler Mason Salon & Spa When Eddie Met Salad WomenHeart Xoçai™ The Healthy Chocolate™ - Joyce Kleinman Alcatraz Brewing Company American Heart Association Body -N- Motion Butler University Chipotle Mexican Grill Community Heart and Vascular Conner Prairie Eiteljorg Museum George Murff Harry & Izzy’s Hilton Indianapolis Indiana Repertory Theater Indianapolis Museum of Art Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Indy Boot Camps JLMorris Designs Kelly Lynn Photography Landmark Theatres
Judy Monroe, M.D. State Health Commissioner
The goal of INFluence: Create a network of powerful Hoosier women to positively impact women’s health
Lawrence Elkhart Newton Jasper Noble Allen Whitley Wells Huntington Wabash Fulton Miami Cass White Benton Warren Tippecanoe Howard Grant Blackford Jay Randolph Madison Tipton Hamilton Henry Marion Boone Clinton Fountain Montgomery Putnam Hendricks Parke Vigo Ver- mil- lion Clay Owen Johnson Shelby Monroe Brown Bartholomew Jackson Orange Washington Posey Gibson Pike Knox Vander- burgh Warrick Dubois Daviess Martin Spencer Perry Crawford Harrison Clark Jennings Jefferson Decatur Ripley Dearborn Wayne Switzerland Rush Franklin Steuben De Kalb Lake Porter La Porte St. Joseph Marshall Kosciusko La Grange Starke Carroll Pulaski Morgan Floyd Greene Scott Delaware Union Fayette Hancock Sullivan Adams LocalINFluence Forums Since April 2007 Year 1 Forums Year 2 Forums Both Years Ohio
Heart Disease is the #1 Cause of Death Among Hoosier Women
Tanya Parrish Office of Women’s Health
INFluence Task Force Abby Kelly-Smith Angela Morris Antoniette Holt Elizabeth Hart Ellen Whitt Erin Triplett Jamie Delaney Jennifer Dunlap Jessi Langlie Julie Aud Karla Sneegas Kelly BeDell Marie Warshauer Marjori Allen Miranda Spitznagle Rizwana Biviji Sarah Tagtmeyer Tina Darling And thank you to our assistants!!
First Lady Cheri Daniels Honorary Chair
Gina Jones Facing the Killer Within Me
Dr. Elisabeth von der Lohe “What Every Woman Needs to Know About Heart Disease”
Judy Monroe, M.D. State Health Commissioner Indiana’s Call to Action
Do Something Individual Level 1.Know your numbers. Visit your doctor for a yearly check-up and be aware of your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other indicators of heart health. 2.Commit to improving your own heart health by doing at least one of the following: Increasing physical activity; Eating a more balanced, healthier diet; Eliminating tobacco; Managing stress more effectively. 3. Learn the early warning signs of a heart attack, especially those more common for women.
Do Something Interpersonal Level 4. Have a heart to heart with 9 women in your life. Share the INFluence message and ask them to complete the call to action as well. 5.Be a role model for heart-healthy living for your friends and family. Share your successes and challenges, giving and receiving support and inspiration.
Interpersonal Individual
Do Something Organizational Level 6.Implement at least one heart-healthy policy or program in your organization. Make healthy eating, physical activity, and smoking cessation the easiest choice in your school, neighborhood, worksite, faith-based or community organization.
Organizational Interpersonal Individual
Do Something Community/County Level 7.Host a local INFluence forum to empower women in your community to positively impact heart health. 8.Form or join a local coalition to advocate for and coordinate community efforts to create a healthier environment.
Organizational Interpersonal Community Individual
Do Something Society/State Level 9.Maintain a network to coordinate statewide efforts aimed at increasing awareness of gender differences, improving policy, and leveraging funds for heart health promotion in Indiana.
Organizational Interpersonal Community Society Individual Open Forum
Special Thank You to Our Premier Sponsors:
Additional Thanks to: Indiana State Museum Centerplate Catering Check the Silent Auction Tables to see if you are a winner!!
Thank you!