1. 2 MDG s at the core of UNESCO’s activities  UNESCO’s fields of competence and mid-term strategy respond to the MDGs  WSIS reaffirmed the potential.


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Presentation transcript:


2 MDG s at the core of UNESCO’s activities  UNESCO’s fields of competence and mid-term strategy respond to the MDGs  WSIS reaffirmed the potential of communication and information in promoting the MDGs  Specific focus of UNESCO’s Communication and Information (CI) programme: MDG 1: MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger MDG 2: MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education MDG 3, target 18: MDG 3, target 18: Global partnership for development: in cooperation with private sector, make available benefits of ICTs.

3 UNESCO and C4D: Building Knowledge Societies  Overarching objective of UNESCO’s communication for development efforts: building open and non-exclusive « knowledge societies »  Key concepts: plurality, inclusion, solidarity and participation  Key principles: freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge, promotion of cultural diversity, equal access to quality education

4 Key areas of activity in C4D for achieving the MDGs 1.Promoting freedom of expression and freedom of information 2.Development of free and pluralistic media 3.Promoting people’s participation in development through media 4. Widening access to diverse content

5 1. Promoting freedom of expression and access to information Assistance to governments in the establishment of legal regulatory frameworks that protect FoE and access to information. Help transform State media into editorially independent PSBs. Live-cast of parliamentary debates Assistance to media in conflict and post- conflict areas : Afghanistan, Burundi, CAR, DRC, Iraq, Liberia, Nepal, Rwanda, Palestine & South- Eastern Europe Research – FoE and Poverty – ICT PR Awareness-raising on Freedom of Expression:  World Press Freedom Day (3 May)  Support to freedom of expression networks and NGOs (IREX, MISA)

6 Journalism training  Enhancing the professional capacity of media training institutions  Fostering centres of excellence, with a focus on Africa  Training of trainers  Development of training material IPDC  More than 1100 media development projects in 139 countries for a total of US$93 million since its creation in Development of free and pluralistic media

7 3. Promoting people’s participation in development through media WSIS  UNESCO the facilitator for 2 action lines (C8 on cultural diversity and C9 on media) and co-facilitator for 6 out of 11 ICT-based distance learning  partnerships; teacher training; research centres; virtual communities; etc. Community radio development  voice; ownership and participation; accessible; cost-effective CMCs programme  130 CMCs in 25 countries; recognition as an innovation; scale-up initiative in Mali, Mozambique and Senegal

8 4. Widening access to diverse content National broadcasting services  UNESCO/CBA interactive chat-shows on Education For All  UNESCO/BBC Science communication initiative in 50 countries  “You, Me and HIV AIDS” Global Young TV Producers’ Network on HIV/AIDS Facilitating the creation of content:  improving endogenous production  Help distribute quality audiovisual productions from developing countries – AV platform  support to training – (regional broadcast unions)

9 The current inter-agency approach WSIS - ITU, UNESCO and UNDP key facilitators in implementing different parts of the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Action Plan, + Tunis Agenda UNDP/UNESCO/UNICEF: Supporting the development of a community radio policy in India UNESCO/UNDP collaboration:  CMC scale-up project in Mali, Mozambique and Senegal  in-country efforts to promote freedom of information legislation

10 The current inter-agency approach #2 UNESCO/UNDP collaboration (continued):  joint efforts for World Press Freedom Day 2006: Capacity-building workshops for journalists  parliamentary broadcasting in Afghanistan  multi-country research on the impact of ICTs on poverty (with the collaboration of other agencies) Collaboration with various UN agencies in assistance to media in post-conflict countries

11 Proposals for further inter-agency collaboration:  Agree on an action plan based on UNESCO/UNDP background papers  Ensure impact of the Round Table at higher UN level and make inter-agency collaboration in the field of C4D a priority issue in the UN system  Set up an inter-agency technical group on C4D  Introduce C4D as a required element of UN and other project formats (WB/LOGFRAME).  Begin by focusing on the 8 « One UN » countries or the 14 UNDAF countries  Create a field network strategy with increased cooperation among each agencies' respective field offices, particularly in these countries