Human Growth and Development Lesson 1 – Introduction to Puberty
Ground Rules Listen Respectively No Slang No Dumb Questions No Making Fun Of Others
Puberty Puberty is a time of physical, mental and social changes. Puberty is like popcorn, some kernels pop early, some pop in the middle and some pop at the end – if you wait long enough they will all pop.
What is the endocrine system? System of glands that help to regulate body functions. The three most important endocrine glands during puberty are the pituitary, testes, and ovaries.
The small gland responsible for the growth spurt Pituitary Gland About the size of a pea, this gland is located at the base of the brain.
What causes the changes at puberty? Hormones Testosterone Estrogen
The main hormone produced by the testes Testosterone It is responsible for many of the sexual changes that occur in boys during puberty
Physical Changes to Males at Puberty Growth spurt Deeper voice Broader shoulders Body hair Erections Sperm and Testosterone production Nocturnal Emissions
What is an erection? When the inner spaces of the penis fill with blood, causing it to become firm, or erect. This may occur due to sexual thoughts, touching the penis, during sleep, or sometimes for no reason at all.
What is the male reproductive gland? Testicle or testes
What is the male reproductive cell? Sperm
The main hormone produced by the ovaries Estrogen It is responsible for many of the sexual and physical changes that occur in girls during puberty
Changes in girls physical appearance during puberty Taller Breasts develop Wider hips
What is the female reproductive gland? The ovaries
What is the female reproductive cell? Egg cell or ovum
What is ovulation? Ovulation is the release of an egg from an ovary. It occurs about once every month The ovaries usually take turns releasing an egg each month
What is the menstrual period? Discharge of blood from the vagina, usually every month. It is normal and a sign that the female’s body is preparing so she might have a baby someday
Why is personal hygiene important at puberty? Sweat glands and sebaceous (oil) glands are more active. Using deodorant/soap and keeping the face clean is important to prevent acne
Emotional changes at puberty Concerns about body image, height, genital size Sexual attraction Emotional highs and lows
Which sex may start having sexual thoughts? Both males and females
Wrap Up Questions: 1. What is one thing you learned today that you did not really know or understand before? 2. Where, or from who, did you learn about puberty? 3. Have you had any talks or discussions with your parents about puberty? Was it comfortable talking about it? Why or Why not?