Global Review on Disaster Reduction ISDR 2002. Objectives zServe practitioners in disaster risk reduction and related areas zInform on ongoing disaster.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Review on Disaster Reduction ISDR 2002

Objectives zServe practitioners in disaster risk reduction and related areas zInform on ongoing disaster reduction initiatives and trends - overview of application zDevelop a monitoring system for assessing progress zServe as networking and information exchange tool

Information collection and organization process zAdvisory Panel- two meetings zNational questionnaires zRegional reviews (7) zConsultant/s (since September 2001) zAgencies and experts, info upon request zOn-line debate related to WSSD zInformation system design zCoordination with IFRC and UNDP A GREAT DEAL OF INFORMATION!

Current status ISDR process

UNDP- World Vulnerability Report/Index zUNDP-VWR: yANALYSIS of key issues: disasters and development; risk and vulnerability accumulation. yINDEXING countries: risk, INDICATORS measuring risk and disaster reduction zISDR-GR: yOVERVIEW OF APPLICATION risk reduction globally yMONITORING progress over time

ISDR and UNDP collaboration zCURRENT status for the reports: yJoint working group -compatibility yStreamlined risk reduction frameworks for both documents yCross referencing yAgreed mutual support for launch/promotion at WSSD (promotional package…)

Expected Future UNDP-ISDR Future joint project/process is being developed to cover: a/ One advocacy document, with country index/indicators zb/ Progress review document to disseminate the application of disaster reduction globally zc/ Monitoring tool for progress in disaster reduction - collection and development of relevant tools and guidelines for various sectors

zc/ Web site reference data base on the detailed information on expertise available, programmes /projects, systematically stored with a view to network various initiatives This work should include other relevant UN and non-UN agencies and organisations

Framework for risk Reduction zRisk Awareness and Risk Assessment zPublic Commitment- Institutional and organizational frameworks zKnowledge Development and Information zApplication of Disaster Reduction Measures zEarly Warning Systems zSafety Nets


Global Vision and Agendas zUN system role and action zWSSD-Sustainable development and environment, Agenda 21 zClimate Change zDesertification and combating drought zHabitat Agenda zGender Agenda zPublic Health zHumanitarian transition

Immediate future zExpect request for feed back - UN role/agendas (May) zSend additional information on specific examples of application/initiatives (May) zComments on text and future challenges (June) zCurrent input papers and regional reports on the web

country profile expert database On-line help integrated online training electronic reference system electronic documentation searching and filtering system links to external organizations system databases Core components of the ISDR Information System (knowledge management)

System Databases Core Components

Contact Subsystem Expertise Contacts Organization Contact Database

Contact Screen Layout

Resources Subsystem Country Profiles Electronic Documents Resources Database List of Publications Website Links

Resources Screen Layout

The Website (Draft version)