Week 2 Bias and Ethnocentrism Five Filters of Propaganda Bias and Ethnocentrism Five Filters of Propaganda
Bias Each person and each professor has their own perspective. Biology –Gene Theory of Evolution –Symbiogenesis Theory of Evolution Each person and each professor has their own perspective. Biology –Gene Theory of Evolution –Symbiogenesis Theory of Evolution
My Perspective I am a critical Political-Economist Like other courses you take, the content closely follows the professor’s perspective. –This class is no different. You will, however, get a different perspective from what you are used to hearing! I am a critical Political-Economist Like other courses you take, the content closely follows the professor’s perspective. –This class is no different. You will, however, get a different perspective from what you are used to hearing!
Both Sides to an Issue? Some people want to give equal time to opposing views. –Never just two sides. “Balance” was ordered in coverage of civilian deaths in Afghanistan. – Some people want to give equal time to opposing views. –Never just two sides. “Balance” was ordered in coverage of civilian deaths in Afghanistan. –
Value Neutral or Objective Some professors, journalists, or others will say they are objective. Beware! –They are either ignorant of their bias Or –They are intentionally trying to deceive you. Remember, facts exist, but can be viewed differently depending on the perspective. Some professors, journalists, or others will say they are objective. Beware! –They are either ignorant of their bias Or –They are intentionally trying to deceive you. Remember, facts exist, but can be viewed differently depending on the perspective.
Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is seeing and judging the world ONLY from your personal perspective. Ethnocentrism also places ourselves in a superior position relative to other people in order to justify our actions. Ethnocentrism is seeing and judging the world ONLY from your personal perspective. Ethnocentrism also places ourselves in a superior position relative to other people in order to justify our actions.
Five Elements of Ethnocentrism Viewing the Other as Inferior Dehumanization Civilizational Mission Ideological Camouflage Political Denial Viewing the Other as Inferior Dehumanization Civilizational Mission Ideological Camouflage Political Denial
Viewing the Other as Inferior Biological Inferiority Moral/Cultural Inferiority Biological Inferiority Moral/Cultural Inferiority
Dehumanization Once a group is viewed as inferior, it is easy to dehumanize them. –Individuals in the group are seen as less than true people, lacking souls, humanity, culture, etc. –Derogatory names are used to characterize the group. Once a group is viewed as inferior, it is easy to dehumanize them. –Individuals in the group are seen as less than true people, lacking souls, humanity, culture, etc. –Derogatory names are used to characterize the group.
Civilizational Mission Because it believes it is superior, one group takes it upon itself to "civilize" the “inferior” people. –Manifest Destiny –White Man’s Burden –Crusade on Terrorism Because it believes it is superior, one group takes it upon itself to "civilize" the “inferior” people. –Manifest Destiny –White Man’s Burden –Crusade on Terrorism
Ideological Camouflage The subjugation and ill-treatment of other people need justification. Sham science –Bell Curve –Eugenics The subjugation and ill-treatment of other people need justification. Sham science –Bell Curve –Eugenics
Political Denial Government denies responsibility in the mistreatment of a group of people. –Ecuador gives indigenous people rights to land in their territory, BUT the government retains the rights to what is BELOW the land! Government denies responsibility in the mistreatment of a group of people. –Ecuador gives indigenous people rights to land in their territory, BUT the government retains the rights to what is BELOW the land!
Five Elements of Ethnocentrism Viewing the Other as Inferior Dehumanization Civilizational Mission Ideological Camouflage Political Denial Viewing the Other as Inferior Dehumanization Civilizational Mission Ideological Camouflage Political Denial
Five Filters of Propaganda Distortion in the Media
Today Five Filters of Propaganda –Concentration of Ownership –Advertising –“Sourcing” the News –Flak –Anti-Communism Five Filters of Propaganda –Concentration of Ownership –Advertising –“Sourcing” the News –Flak –Anti-Communism
Students and Education More than 50% of students at four-year schools and more than 75% at two-year colleges lacked the skills to perform complex literacy tasks. That means they could not … understand the arguments of newspaper editorials, compare credit card offers with different interest rates and annual fees or summarize results of a survey about parental involvement in school. More than 50% of students at four-year schools and more than 75% at two-year colleges lacked the skills to perform complex literacy tasks. That means they could not … understand the arguments of newspaper editorials, compare credit card offers with different interest rates and annual fees or summarize results of a survey about parental involvement in school.
Recent Media Studies “A new study based on a series of seven US polls conducted from January through September of this year reveals that before and after the Iraq war, a majority of Americans have had significant misperceptions and these are highly related to support for the war in Iraq.” hp?nid=&id=&pnt=102&lb=brus “A new study based on a series of seven US polls conducted from January through September of this year reveals that before and after the Iraq war, a majority of Americans have had significant misperceptions and these are highly related to support for the war in Iraq.” hp?nid=&id=&pnt=102&lb=brus
Misperceptions Support War
Five Filters in the Propaganda Model Concentration of Ownership Advertising “Sourcing” the News Flak Anti-Communism Concentration of Ownership Advertising “Sourcing” the News Flak Anti-Communism
Concentration of Ownership 20 years ago, 50 companies controlled the vast majority of media resources. Now, it is five. –“These five huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, (owns ABC) Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) –— own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States.” 20 years ago, 50 companies controlled the vast majority of media resources. Now, it is five. –“These five huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, (owns ABC) Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) –— own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States.”
Advertising Advertising supports the costs of production for media outlets. Outlets not able to attract advertisers are less able to compete. Advertisers seek a “buying mood.” Advertising supports the costs of production for media outlets. Outlets not able to attract advertisers are less able to compete. Advertisers seek a “buying mood.”
Sources Media outlets attempt to save money and time by relying on readily available sources for news. Corporations, politicians and others provide press releases, press conferences and prepared videos for the media. Media outlets attempt to save money and time by relying on readily available sources for news. Corporations, politicians and others provide press releases, press conferences and prepared videos for the media.
Flak People and groups dissatisfied with media coverage will attempt to change coverage through complaints. –Complaints by pundits and editorial writers –Complaints by organized groups –Complaints by politicians People and groups dissatisfied with media coverage will attempt to change coverage through complaints. –Complaints by pundits and editorial writers –Complaints by organized groups –Complaints by politicians
Anti-Communism While the authors wrote about the concept of anti-communism, we can see its application today. Both the terms “liberal” and “terrorism” are used to dichotomize debate. –You are either with us, or against us. The fear of terrorism is used to promote policies. While the authors wrote about the concept of anti-communism, we can see its application today. Both the terms “liberal” and “terrorism” are used to dichotomize debate. –You are either with us, or against us. The fear of terrorism is used to promote policies.
Outfoxed Concentration of Ownership –How does Murdoch and editors control news through memos? Advertising –What is the “Fox Effect” on other networks? Sources –Where does Fox get its information, commentators and guests? Flak –Shut Up! –Personal Attacks Anti-Terrorism Concentration of Ownership –How does Murdoch and editors control news through memos? Advertising –What is the “Fox Effect” on other networks? Sources –Where does Fox get its information, commentators and guests? Flak –Shut Up! –Personal Attacks Anti-Terrorism
Coming up Outfoxed –Applying the Filters of Propaganda Outfoxed –Applying the Filters of Propaganda