INTERVIEWER GOALS Define the general purpose of this interview List specific content areas that need to be covered
TENTATIVE QUESTIONS Cover all the content areas in depth Phrase each question carefully Factual or opinion Open or closed Directly or indirectly
SETTING Choose the best time for both interviewer and interviewee Make sure the space is private, comfortable and distraction free
INTERVIEWEE GOALS Understand personal goals Define interviewer’s goals
INTERVIEWEE PREPARATION Collect necessary materials and information Give thought to probable questions
INTERVIEW STRUCTURE OPENING Sincere pleasantries exchanged ( make each party comfortable) Proper tone established Interviewer previews subject & approach
INTERVIEW STRUCTURE Body Interviewer: nonverbal behavior reflects interest and lack of threat asks enough questions to cover all content areas uses probing questions to explore interviewee’s responses Interviewee: gives clear detailed answers Stays on subject Corrects misunderstandings by interviewer Achieves own goals
INTERVIEW STRUCTURE Closing Interviewer reviews results of interview Future relationship between interviewer and interviewee is established Sincere pleasantries are exchanged