Report on Group One on Integrated Work Programme Martin Owor Assistant Commissioner Head of Disaster Devision Office of the Prime Minister Uganda 23 November 2005 Geneva
General comments: The group is in harmony with the proposal of the integrated work programme. But raised the following recommendations:
1.Clarify the vision of the enhanced ISDR system 2.Link actions at national, regional and international levels 3.Integrate the functions of different stakeholders, which should not only limited to the UN system 4.Establish the base-line position from which progress will be measured on each thematic area 5.Provide mechanisms for promoting DRR at national level and specify national roles and needs in DRR 6.Provide common approach to training, education, advocacy, research in order to avoid duplication and overlaps Comments on the Integrated work programme:
7.Provide mechanisms for cost-sharing among ISDR system members at national levels 8.Emphasize outcomes/results, responsibility and accountability of system members at all levels 9.Emphasize the roles and functions of UN RC system and UN country teams to promote DRR and support and strengthening national platforms and national DRR programmes 10.Be simplified and focused, not too ambitious Comments on the Integrated work programme:
1.Take full advantage and work through existing mechanisms 2.Clarify and giving due recognition of who is doing what – including and beyond UN system 3.Clarify and articulate the terms of reference of the MOB, PAC and GP/DRR 4.Emphasize that the PACs role is advisory, not approval Modalities: the follow elements were recommended :
1. Focus on core function of the ISDR Secretariat and governance of ISDR system 2.Provide seeds money to strengthen national platforms, but with expert support 3.Be looked at by the MOB to work out clear modalities for the its use 4.Be developed (structure and function), based on the recognition that resources are limited and will continue to be limited 5.Not over rely on voluntary contribution. The trust fund should:
Next steps 1.The group recognized the need to deliver on the Hyogo Framework (show results by 22 January for one year anniversary of WCDR) 2. The group decided to continue consultations to shape and develop the integrated workplan through facilitated by the ISDR secretariat. (during the coming two weeks) 3.The group echoed that HFA calls for the various elements of ISDR system to avoid overlap and work together to deliver results through concrete actions.