You are the Creator of Your Own Destiny Interview - Skills - Preparation Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations – Andhra Pradesh
Interview Entrevoir ( French) to have a glimpse of A selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants oral responses to oral enquiries
INNER VIEW Analyze … GOPI’S MODEL The A B C D Technique ! You Can Do It … You Will Do It
Basic Knowledge
BASIC FUNDAMENTALS IF FUNDA IS LOW … 6 All that you will be is a Murgi ka Anda
This is Confidence !
D Demonstrate Your Ability !
Questions That Bother us ! 9 Will I do well? What Should I wear? What if I don’t answer? I am nervous ! What will I be asked? How should I prepare?
SELECTION INTERVIEW - EFFECTIVENESS Bottom line Test - Answering Three key questions Can he do the job(Competence) Will he do the job( Motivation) Will he fit in ( Team / Organisation)?( Match)
Its Like a Marriage Alliance Employment …
It is your Sales Brochure !
Structure Name and Contact information Summary Objective Statement/ Career Objective Qualification – Education and Technical Work Experience Technical / Computer skills Strength Development Needs Achievements
Remember Do not fakeEliminate spelling and grammar mistakesAvoid improper formattingEnsure relevance to job openingHighlight what you really want to showcaseAvoid use of word “I”
What Should You Look for In a Job ? According to research, students have listed the following Organizational characteristics as important to them: Type of work you would do Type of people you would like to work with Training & development opportunities Chances of promotion Salary Job security Working condition Reputation/image of the organisation Geographical location Hours expected at work Benefits ( Company car, Pension, Loans etc.)
What are companies looking for Capability Spikes Cultural Fit (Attitude) Self Aware & Authentic Learning Agility At least 1 capability for which they score you high Attitude and values to drive success in their culture Leverage strengths, manage weaknesses Curious and quick to learn and nimble in approach
INTERVIEW STRUCTURE 1 Opening, rapport building 2 Current Interest and Knowledge 3 Aspirations & Awareness 4 Education & upbringing 5 Circumstances & interests 6 Closing, wrap up Assessment
Questioning Pattern Broad Open ended Probe Narrow Close Summarise
Before the Interview Investigate the organization. Learn about the position. Prepare answers to possible questions. Prepare success stories. Arrive early. Dress appropriately. List your strengths and Areas of Development Why should you give you the job?
Visualize Success Visualize success Prepared resume- read it well Review the website Talk to Seniors / Lecturers/ Friends
Googly Questions ? What is your biggest weakness? Pick something that you have corrected; Give a recent example Why should we hire you? Check the job description! Why do you want the job? Do your homework on the company; Match your goals to the company goals Tell me about yourself… Prepare!
SKILLS REQUIRED FOR THE CORPORATE 22 Communication Team Work Creativity Leadership Accuracy Technology & Computers Planning & Organising Self Managing Problem Solving Initiative & Enterprise Inter personal Ability to Learn BASIC FUNDA
Projecting a Powerful Image III Total image consists of: The first impressions you project The depth of your knowledge The breadth of your knowledge Your enthusiasm.
During the Interview Establish the relationship. Act confident but natural. Don’t criticize. Stay focused on your strengths. Find out about the job early in the interview. Prepare for salary questions and Career path.
During the Interview Don't offer your hand first for the handshake Wait to be offered a seat before you sit down Don't accept the offer of tea if you're really nervous Always sit into the back of a chair Sit back straight and-your shoulders relaxed Always put bags down on the floor Simple eye contact Pause before answering Be ready for inappropriate questions. Ask your own questions
FAQ’s at Interviews ◦ Tell me something about yourself ◦ Why did you leave your last job? ◦ Where do you see yourself five years' from now ◦ How would your worst enemy describe your faults? ◦ What are your strengths ◦ What are your priorities in life? ◦ What do you think you have to offer this company? ◦ Any questions?