Tim Maxwell LtCol USMC (Ret) TBI - 7 Oct
10/01/2009 History Gulf War 1991, 1993 Afghanistan 2002 OIF OIF
Kalsu, Iraq First picture after injury Kalsu To Home
Shrapnel…Bad Brain Elbow
At Night: OVER-ACTIVE MIND Day Time:Expressive and Receptive APHASIA Vision Limited Reading/Writing FatigueMental Exhaustion Right Leg: Lack of solid control Right Arm: Lack of solid control Medical Summary
Vision Weakness/Nerve Loss Neck/Shoulder Hand/Wrists Foot/Ankle
Limited Duty
Unit was Growing Spring 2005 Barracks – 6 Others – 10% Spring 2006 Barracks - 64 Others – 50% Spring 2007 Barracks – 110 Others – 90% Glenn Beck - Memory MajGen Thomas Barraga
We Are Drowning!
Learning USMC Items Tracking Wounded, Command structure, CONOPS, PEB, VA. TSGLI, Extension, MFL Capabilities, CACO capability, RBE training, promotion, retention, re-enlistment, MOS options, Fitreps, Pro/Cons, options, Wounded Marine Medical decisions, etc… Family Items - Funding for trips to see sons/husbands (S/H) (ITO, Follow on trips, follow on trips so see kids) - Authorization to see S/H in Landstuhl (Orders, or options?) - Parents/Spouse Disagreements (Financial, passionate, etc)
Learning Medical Items - Multiple Injuries Issues (Pills, attention to all injuries instead of the most important - 2nd Opinion (My elbow as an example) - Decisions (remove leg, connect nerve vains, etc..) - Hospital Options Location - (Home town, VA, current duty station, etc…) Specialty – Walter Reed, Bethesda, Tampa, Willmington, etc.. Public Items - Public Events (Golf, Xmas Event, etc…) - News (Newspapers, Radios, TV) - Donations (Everything!) - Visitors (Everyone is welcome at CL, but not all places)
Wounded Warrior Regiment Colonel Greg Boyle Commanding Officer Wounded Warrior Regiment
Guam Hawaii Okinawa Landstuhl Camp Lejeune Camp Pendleton Quantico WWR services the Total Force – Active Duty / Reserve / Retired / Former Marines WW Regiment WW Battalions Patient Affairs Team (PAT)/VA Liaisons District Injured Support Cells (DISC) WW Company 120 Hometown Links (not shown) * USMC WW Regimental Call Center (877)
Wife Shannon
Notification What might happen…
Medevac Wounded Return to Duty (RTD) Unit/Local BASField Hospital 31st Combat Support Hospital Baghdad Return to Duty (RTD) Landshtul Germany Return to Duty (RTD) Approved Family Members Arrival Calling? Tracking? Explaining? Funding?
Notification How did Shannon find out?Shannon
When do you see him/her? Never Up to Landestual Good news Landshtul, Germany Rare Not Good News America Most Common
National Naval Medical Center 8901 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD (301) ; toll-free mil mil Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW Washington, DC my.mil Naval Medical Center San Diego Bob Wilson Drive San Diego, CA nmcsd.med.navy.mil Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital Brooke Army Medical Center Location: 3851 Roger Brook Dr. FSH TX Contact Info: (210) Andrews AF Base 744th Communication Squadron Network Administration (301) / Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital Others Local Support in most Military Hospitals Marine Liaison Marine for Life VA Information Visitors Other Injured and their families Calling? Tracking? Explaining? Funding?
Shannon’sShannon’s in Tim’s trip to Bethesda
What Next? Most warriors change hospitals multiple times Most Families do the same Many change hospitals multiple times
Fitreps? Awards? Pro/Cons? Promotions? BAH issues (Brook vs. Pendleton)? Medical Decisions (e.g.-Have leg removed)? PEB? TSGLI? VA? Approved ConLeave? Funded family in medical trip? Funded trip to follow on Med appt? Re-enlistment? New MOS? When Can I re-join my unit? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The Final Stage Stabilizing Inpatient Outpatient (AW2,WWR) Hospital Barracks Military Barraks Home Back to Duty Full Duty Limited Duty
Support Wounded Warrior Call Center, call (877) 4USMCWW ((877) ). My Web Site – –Sharing stories is important. The concept of the Barracks Donations are amazing
Talk to Wounded Warriors Were you wounded/injured/ill? What Happened? (Do you mind telling me) How are you doing? –Their response….”I’m Fine” You should disagree “I could never handle that” etc… Be Careful….. Did you lose a friend? –If so, it is the worst thing that happened. Say nothing negative –Especiappy “anti-war” What unit were you in? –Best unit in the Army. –If a Marine, it is important. But not as much. Support
Remember, they are people Visit. Talk. Help. Try to provide HOPE.