Resume Reading What to look for: spelling/grammatical errors address/phone legitimate? local? ? Name? gaps in employment look at beginning/ending dates months-years in between? Education completed? length? involvement?
Resumes Reading Questions How much time on each? What is the purpose? Points to Consider Huge Liability How long will they stay? You must discern – correct fit? Life can be easier with the correct hire
Resumes: What to look for. Experiences kitchen? dining room? hotel? Other - is that okay? Responsibilities? Handle cash? Close/open? Number of people under? Hire/fire? Trained?
Resumes: What to look for. progression upward? downward? flat? does it make sense? Good job/position followed by lesser? (not) Working for family? Working and in school at same time? Many areas of the country?
Resume Reading Verify Verify Verify!!!!! agency make a few phone calls references? - call others think of what you are trusting them with? Application - does it match resume? Interview Questions verify all information on application/resume class question: what are good interview questions?
Reference/Background Checks Why do reference checks if they have a low validity as a selection device? Negligent Hiring Protect assets of the business Verify accuracy of application & interview answers Provide additional information about applicant
Reference/Background Checks Q: What can you do if there is a chance of losing the applicant while you are doing the reference check? Q: Should you call “Personal References?” Q: What types of information should you collect? Q: Will employers give more than name, rank & “serial number”?
What to verify… Education easy to verify Criminal Conviction Records arrest records considered discriminatory is it job-related? Credit History Class Q: How do you feel about this? Driving record if job relevant Letters of Rec. Details on the next slide
Letters of Reference Q: Is a Reference Letter valuable? Yes, if very specific to a task, and has contact info No, if very general; may have been part of settlement for discrimination complaint; is the person who wrote it likely to have known the applicant? Could it have been forged? Not likely to be read during first review of applications & resumes.