1 Disaster Reduction: A Tool for Sustainable Development Presentation at the Africa Regional Consultation on Disaster Reduction A Preparation for the WCDR Johannesburg, South Africa, 1 June 2004 By Dr. Hesphina Rukato, Advisor: Environment and Tourism, NEPAD Secretariat
2 Structure of Presentation Section A: NEPAD 1.What is NEPAD? 2.Collaboration 3.Programme on Implementation Section B: Disaster Reduction: A Tool for Sustainable Development 1.Objectives of NEPAD 2.DRR as an Indicator in Achieving NEPAD Objectives 3.Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development
3 Section A: NEPAD
4 What is NEPAD? NEPAD is a holistic and integrated socio-economic programme of the African Union, aimed at achieving sustainable development –Process building (integration of the continent through RECs) –Relationship building (partnerships, mutual accountability, responsibility with development partners) –Programme implementation
5 What is NEPAD? Key Principles African leadership Commitment to good governance and human rights Accountable leadership - that is prepared to accept responsibility as well as acknowledge their own mistakes Self-reliance - building capable states, capable institutions, based on long term development of Africas human and natural environment Partnerships
6 RECs RECs - at sub-regional level. All actions happen at national level Ministerial bodies Ministerial bodies – With a reformed and strengthened AU and AUC, many sectoral ministerial forums are re-organising themselves to work more inline with the Programme of the AUC. Relations with UN - Relations with UN - Resolution 57/7 of September NEPAD adopted as framework for UNs development interactions, particularly in Africa - Replace the UN NADAF. Therefore collaboration with UN/ISDR is only logical Collaboration
7 Programme Implementation Action Plans have been prepared for each of the priority areas of NEPAD. INFRASTRUCTURE Energy - STAP Water and Sanitation Transport - STAP ICTs – Pilot Projects Environment – Action Plan SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS Science and technology – Pilot Initiatives MARKET ACCESS Tourism – draft Action Plan Private Sector – Strategy development in Progress
8 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Health – Strategy Education – Pilot projects Agriculture – Action Plan CROSS-CUTTING Partners Support – UNDP Facility COMMUNICATIONS Communications and Outreach PEACE, SECURITY, DEMOCRACY & POLITICAL GOVERNANCE African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) – now operational with 19 countries acceded. Programme Implementation
9 SECTION B: Disaster Reduction: A Tool for Sustainable Development
10 Objectives of NEPAD To eradicate poverty To place continent on a path of sustainable development Reverse the marginalization of the continent and benefit from globalization Promote regional integration, including intra- Africa trade
11 How does DRR assist in Achieving NEPAD Objectives? DRR is cross-cutting in all NEPAD Programmes and Africas development vision cannot succeed if DRR is viewed as a stand alone effort. In the same vein, Africa, RECs and individual governments need to develop the appropriate partnerships to deliver on this development vision. No one institution or government can do it alone. As we focus on programme implementation, also important to ensure the sustainability of DRR programmes.
12 Therefore, funding for DRR at national level should not be project based but rather be an integral part of each countrys budget requirement. For this to happen, certain fundamentals have to be in place: Political will and commitment to DRR; Vibrant civil society that proactive in reminding government of the human rights based perspective of DRR; and Strong and capable institutions at all levels. How does DRR assist in Achieving NEPAD Objectives?
13 Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development Building the necessary political will Developing the necessary awareness and capacities at all levels Building a culture of integrated developing planning as compared to project and shot-term based initiatives. Changing development partner tendencies to focus more on African-led prioritisation of development programmes. Building the capacity of local institutions. Being long on implementation and short on report writing, repetitive studies, and workshops/conferences
14 Thank You