Questionnaire administration EHES Training material
Modes of questionnaire administration Similar basic principles applied for Checking self- administered questionnaires Interviewing
Basic principles Don’ t comment the responses or express any criticism (e.g. regarding participant’s lifestyles) If needed, the question and the answer alternatives can be clarified by giving additional information in a standardized and non-directive way Always check the interviewer instructions and, if needed, contact your supervisor Do not try to interpret the question yourself and develop additional explanation Record ‘refusal’ or ‘Don’t know’ if needed, but try to avoid these
Subjective items Questions that measure the person’s own assessment (e.g. self perceived health) should not be interpreted or assessed by anyone else You or any other person who is present during the interview or while filling in and checking the questionnaires (e.g. a family member), should not affect the participant’s choice of the answer categories
Objective items Questions on facts, e.g. having diseases diagnosed by a doctor, using medicines, can be asked from a proxy (e.g. a family member or care taker), especially when the participant him/herself in unable to answer due to cognitive impairment
Starting the interview Explain the possibility to stop the interview at any time and right to refuse answering any question Explain that all information is strictly confidential and all answers are valuable to obtain reliable and valid results from the survey Read all questions and response categories exactly as they are written If needed, repeat the question first, before giving additional information
Interviewing process Follow the order of the questions in the questionnaire Record answers carefully and so that the participant doesn’t focus on observing what you are writing Keep active contact with the participant
Pausing or stopping the interview Stop the interview if the participant loses the ability to concentrate (e.g. is very tired or intoxicated) there are severe problems in the participant’s cognitive or communication skills Explore the possibility to continue later, e.g. with proxy assistance
Checking self-administered questionnaires Empty, unanswered questions: help the participant when needed If the participant has marked several answer categories, when one should be chosen, ask which option applies most or corresponds best in his/her situation Correct if jump rules have not been followed: check the correct answers with the participant
Closing Give positive feedback to the participant: ”Thank you for this valuable information…” Record if proxy (or proxy assistance) was used Record and report to your supervisor any problems encountered during the interview or when checking the questionnaires, e.g. problems in communication, disturbing presence of other persons
Acknowledgements Slides Päivikki Koponen Photographs Hanna Tolonen Demonstration Saara Vallivaara, Marjut Kajosaari, Shadia Rask, William Garbrah