Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI Recommended to be on the ESFRI Road Map
ELI Centered around an Exawatt class Laser Few kJ.~10fs, >1sh/mn) Modular: 1) front end at 100Hz-kHz, 5fs-5J, PW level, 2) Last stage at the exawatt 3) a 0 ~
ELI Scientific Program: Rests on Three Scientific Pillars 1) 1) Ultra high Field Science: access to the ultra-relativistic regime, ELI will afford new investigations in particle physics, nuclear physics, gravitational physics, nonlinear field theory, ultrahigh-pressure physics, astrophysics and cosmology. Attosecond science: snap-shots in the attosecond scale of the electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, plasmas and solids. High Energy beam facility: ELI will provide ultra-short energetic particle (>10 GeV) and radiation (up to few MeV) beams produced from compact laser plasma accelerators.
Societal Benefits ELI will afford wide benefits to society ranging from improvement of oncology treatment, medical imaging, fast electronics and our understanding of aging nuclear reactor materials to development of new methods of nuclear waste processing.
Relativistics microelectronic devices Plasma cavity 100 m 1 m RF cavity ELI Courtesy of W. Mori
Fundamental Interaction Ultra-Relativistic optics Super hot plasma Nuclear Physics Astrophysics General relativity Ultra fast phenomena NLQED Relativistic Engineering ELI Extreme Light Infrastructure Exawatt Laser Secondary Beam Sources Electrons Positron ion Muon Neutrino Neutrons X rays rays acceleratorsaccelerators Synchr.XfelSynchr.Xfel Attosecond optics Rel. Microelectronic Rel. Microphotonic Nuclear treatement Nuclear pharmacology Hadron therapy Radiotherapy Material science
Electron beam energy and laser power evolution Laser Power (W) « conventional » technology Maximale Electrons Energy (MeV) Years LULI RAL LOA * LBNL UCLA ILE ¤ KEK UCLA ELIELI ELI * LBNL * LUND INFN, Frascati, March 7 (2006)
ELI Parameter designs Laser Plasma Accelerators ELI : > 100 GeV Q (nC) e /120K e /3.6k e / e /3.6 E(Gev)a0a0 L(m)W 0 (μm) n e (cm -3 ) τ (fs)P(PW) E(J) Golp and UCLA Group
Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI A science integrator that will bring many frontiers of contemporary physics, i.e. relativistic plasma physics, particle physics, nuclear physics, gravitational physics, nonlinear field theory, ultrahigh pressure physics, and cosmology together. ELI will provide a new generation of compact accelerators delivering ultra short (fs-as) and energetic particle and radiation beams for European scientists. ELI will work in close contact with synchrotron XFEL community. ELI will also be an Extreme Light technology platform ready to reduce to practice the latest invention and discovery in relativistic engineering ELI
Education and Training: ELI will be the most sophisticated Optoelectronic Grand Instrument (Ultrashort short pulse, Ultra relativistic intensity, High repetition rate, wavefront correction, Coherent Addition of Beams) and will be a fertile ground for Education and Training.
Time line /20 1shot/mn single beam 40/70 1Hz single beam 400/700 1Hz 10 beams
G.IV ELI budget summary over the first 10 years (in M€)
ELI Participating Countries France Germany Spain Italy Greece Lithuania Austria
ELI Participants 1 LULI, CNRS-X, CEA, Université Paris XI, Palaiseau (France) 2 LOA, CNRS-ENSTA-X, Palaiseau (France) 3 Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, D Mainz (Germany) 4 GSI, Planckstr Darmstadt (Germany) 5 LLR, CNRS-IN2P3-X, Palaiseau (France) 6 Thalès, STI, Colombes cedex (France) 8 General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow (Russia) 9 IESL (Heraklion) 71110, Crete (Greece) 10 Institut für Angewandte PM, D Neubiberg (Germany) 11 IOTA, Bât 503, ORSAY Cedex (France) 12 CPO, Bat. 101, Orsay cedex (France) 13 FASTLITE Bâtiment 403 Campus de l'X Palaiseau (France) 14 LMU, Am Coulombwall 1, D Garching (Germany) 15 CENBG, CNRS, IN2P3, Université Bordeaux 1 (France) 16 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg D (Germany) 17 Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf, D Duesseldorf 18 MPQ, Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, D Garching 19 Imperial College, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ London (U. K.) 20 Dept. of Physics,Univ of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG (Scotland) 21 Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS-X, Palaiseau (France) 22 Dipartimento di Fisica,Universita' di Pisa, Pisa (Italy) 23 LSI, CNRS-X, F-91128, Palaiseau (France) 24 Department of Quantum Electronics, LT Vilnius (Lithuania) 25 LIXAM, CNRS-Universit é Paris XI, Bât 350, Orsay (France) 26 Institut f ü r Optik und Quantenelektronik, D07743 Jena (Germany) 27 ESFR, 6, rue Jules Horowitz,BP 220, Grenoble (France) 28 Technische Universit ä t Dresden, ITP, Dresden (Germany) 29 CELIA, Universite Bordeaux 1, Talence cedex (France) 30 Amolf FOM, Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam (The Netherlands)