Cambridge Professional Development (CamProf) Nigel Lloyd Marta Jacyniuk Nadeem Khan “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
CamProf Consultancy: advice, strategy & implementation in skills & professional development throughout the working life Established 1994, in Cambridge, Nottingham & Kiel(DE) In 2000 with 4 other consultancies set up 5S Consulting Ltd, with offices in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland Expertise: standards & their uses, professional qualifications, lifelong learning, work experience, labour markets, international project design/funding/management Sectors: construction, engineering, psychology, transport, ICT, education, facilities management, justice, finance European Business Competence* Licence (EBC*L) “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
CamProf’s services Writing bids & procuring funding Design of interactive meetings Consultation exercises Building partnerships Assembling winning teams Project accounting & audit Systems & organisation development Surveys & research Labour Market Info Project design Project management Policy research Procurement Report writing Dissemination Evaluation Study Tours “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
Relevant projects EMCET European Framework for Work Experience (EFWE) European Business Competence* Licence Expert Support to CEDEFOP for e-Skills 2004 Conference Use of Standards of Competence in CPD User Guide for Standards of Competence “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
Nigel Lloyd civil engineer, professional development expert, founded CamProf helped develop NVQ professional level, disseminate to Europe 13 years in East Africa, Indian subcontinent, South-East Asia, Mid-East 12 Leonardo projects Expert: standards of competence, professionals, learning thro’ work, Europe UK partner for EMCET1: brought in Scottish University for Industry Marta Jacyniuk IT Teacher, Project Coordinator for EMCET1 project PhD student: Implementation of Standards of Competence in England, Poland & Romania Representing British Computer Society on HARMONISE project Polish national representative for COST A23 Nadeem Khan Lecturer in Further Education Teacher Training in Pakistan MSc at Oxford University PhD student: New Techniques of Adult Learning Coordinator EMCET2 European Network of Modular Training Providers “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
Summary “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”