For the Safe Male Circumcision Campaign By Ndizeye Simon
A Big idea. The proposed direction.
A qualitative research technique designed to determine the degree of the buyer`s/target audience`s interest in a new product or idea. Done in an attempt to seek the target audience`s approval and views to refine the big idea or proposed direction.
Face-to-face Interviews In-depth Interviews (IDIs) Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) Focus group Discussions (FGDs) Observations
Facilitators – 2 Research Assistants Moderator Note Taker Representatives of the Intended Audience Of the same characteristics Number 8 – 12 respondents.
Arrange the seating in advance so that everyone is sitting in a circle or U-shape. If tape recording, ensure the tape recorder is in the most appropriate location to capture all the voices of the group. Location should be devoid of interruptio ns and noise.
Is to collect information and record it accurately. That information is neither right nor wrong. i.e. Remain unbiased Only report what is said in the discussion not what you think i.e. LEAVE YOUR JUDGEMENT AT HOME! Try not to lead respondents to a specific answer. Be polite and supportive of a respondent’s answers.
Dress appropriately. Respect the respondents cultural/religious beliefs and values e.g. some cultures carry out circumcision. Keep the phones off or keep them in silent mode – do not receive calls during the FGD. Avoid arguments with the respondents and among your selves. The note taker and moderator should keep coordinated to avoid confusion in front of the respondents.
Allow everyone in the group a chance to speak. Ask people to raise their hands to speak and speak only one at a time. Non-verbal actions are an important element to watch out for. Be patient i.e. do not rush participants to respond. Speak in a pleasant tone of voice. Set ground rules before the beginning of the discussion. Do not cajole or coerce participants to respond to a question in a certain way. Be friendly and smile when it is necessary e.g. when greeting them.
Probing is often used when groups of people are not very responsive to your questions or seem hesitant to answer. It is a way to ask additional questions that might help start a discussion about the information you want to collect. It is also a way to re-phrase a question so that the respondent might more easily understand it.
Write clear notes that are readable to anyone. Write what people say not what you think they said. Note the number of people in the group who agreed to a certain idea. Be as specific as possible when writing up your notes. Writing phrases instead of complete sentences is okay provided they makes sense. You may want to bullet several responses.
Front Page – Title, Date and Authors Background Objectives Methodology Findings Conclusions and Recommendations
Three concepts with different executions developed for the SMC campaign namely; Take a stand. Health Worker Circumcised Partner (targeting women) 4 Logos developed.
To establish which logo the audiences prefer. To establish which overarching concept is most convincing or appealing to the audiences. Find out if the audience understand the developed campaign concepts. To establish whether the audience relates to the campaign concepts. To establish whether there is anything that is offensive/ confusing in the concepts. To establish if the concepts are attractive to the audience.
Twelve FGDs will be conducted in Gulu, Kayunga and Iganga districts with uncircumcised males aged 15–26 years, their parents and females aged years (targeted as influencers).
Targeted respondents should have the following characteristics; Currently uncircumcised young men aged between 15–22 years. Females aged between 18–26 years. Parents of uncircumcised young males who are below 18 years. Not peer educators, health educators or local council officials.
Refer to the notes
ActivityTime Training of RAsFebruary 8, 2011 Travel to the Field February 9, 2011 Concept Testing February 10, 2011 Debriefing February 14, 2011 Presentation of preliminary Reports for Districts. February 14, 2011 Presentation of Final Report for the Concept Test February 15, 2011 Presentation of Final Report February 17, 2011
DistrictMobilizerContact No. KampalaAnnette0774 – GuluTeddy0782 – MbararaJoseph0782 – SorotiVivian0701 – Nakaseke/ Luwero Trevor
Luwero – Martin Senyonjo Gulu – Kibwota Godfrey Soroti _ Edward Atenu Mbarara – Sam Mucunguzi Kampala – Emma