1 SIAP: Statistical Capacity Building SPECA Project Working Group on Statistics Paris, 16 June 2006 ECE-ESCAP-SPECA/PWG-Statistics/2006/10 ECE-CES-GE57/2006/10
2 Introduction The Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific was established in 1970 as a centre for statistical training for the developing countries in Asia and the Pacific region. The status of SIAP is a subsidiary body of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP).
3 Mission To improve the national capability in official statistics for the developing countries of the ESCAP region through practically oriented training for economic and social development planning.
4 Organization SIAP has a Governing Council (GC) GC meets once a year to provide advice and guidance to the institute. Members of GC: –representatives of Japan, the host country, –8 representatives of member and associate members of ESCAP elected by the Commission once every five years. GC members (2005 – 2010): China, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, and Thailand.
5 Financial Resources The financial resources of SIAP are principally derived from the contributions of the Government of Japan, the host government, and cash contributions from members and associate members of ESCAP. In addition to cash contributions the Government of Japan provides administrative and infrastructure support. The Government of Japan sponsors fellowships for the TMA-based training courses.
6 SIAP Staff, budget, equipment, facilities etc. Economic Statistics Social Statistics MDGs etc. Knowledge base for development policy SIAP training input Objectives of SIAP
7 Impact NSS* provide reliable, relevant and timely data that can be utilized for economic and social development planning Outcome Participants take measures to improve the quality of data and services provided by national statistical systems Output Participants are able to promote/utilize state-of-art technique, methodologies and analytical framework in the generation of timely and high quality data and the provision of statistical services Activities Conducting training programmes * NSS – National Statistical System
8 Levels of Participation Management Middle- to senior- level 3 – 5 years working experience
Regional/ Subregional Courses Country Courses Addressing diverse capability-building needs Training Programs and Training Related Activities Tokyo Metropolitan Area Courses (TMA) Research- based Program Workshops/ Seminars Key Strategies Addressing statistical challenges of ESCAP themes & monitoring progress in achieving MDGs
10 TMA- based Courses Fundamental Official Statistics (6 months) Application of ICT in Official Statistics (2-month) Area-Focused Course for Central Asia (2-month) Analysis, Interpretation & Dissemination (2-month)
11 Fundamentals of Official Statistics Module I: Statistical & Survey Methods Survey Methodology Sample Design for HIES & Establishment Surveys Statistical Methods & Computing Module II: SNA & Economic Statistics 1993 SNA CPI & ICP Macroeconomic & Related Statistics Module III: Demographic & Social Statistics Population Census Poverty Statistics MDG Indicators Target group: Statisticians who have been working for 3-5 years in national statistical organizations Target group: Statisticians who have been working for 3-5 years in national statistical organizations
12 Application of ICT in Official Statistics Basics & Consequences of Using ICT in NSS Applicable Technologies for Statistical Process Data Management, Data Base Systems Target group: Statisticians and programmers in statistical organizations Target group: Statisticians and programmers in statistical organizations
13 Target group: Middle level statisticians
14 Target group: Middle level statisticians
15 Increasing focus
16 Regional/Subregional Courses: Topics Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and Statistical Quality Statistics for MDG Indicators System of National Accounts Sampling Prices and International Comparison Programme Disability
18 Thank You