Slide 1 Marie Curie Actions at CERN David Plane Chair, Marie Curie Steering Group MC-PAD kick-off meeting CERN 13 January 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Slide 1 Marie Curie Actions at CERN David Plane Chair, Marie Curie Steering Group MC-PAD kick-off meeting CERN 13 January 2009

Slide 2 Outline CERN Marie Curie Steering Group FP6 ( ) FP7 ( ) –ITNs –COFUND –Individual Fellowships Marie Curie Actions as a support for training Some (relevant ??) lessons we have learned. The future…

Slide 3 Marie Curie Steering Group, and FP6 [Before FP6 : Individual M.C Fellowships] FP6 – CERN then eligible for “Host-Driven” actions. [and CERN in deep financial trouble] Dec: 2002 – MCSG set up [8 members] Studied Work Programme, visited Brussels, and got good advice from Georges Bingen, and.. EST Proposals : Call 1 – 8 submitted - 1 Accepted Call Accepted Call Accepted Total m.y 9.4 M€

Slide 4 FP6 ( ) Research Training Networks (10 researchers for 66 months) –the pre-cursor to the FP7 ITNs –1 RTN coordinated by CERN (MCnet) + 4 partners –CERN is partner in 2 other RTNs (QUEST, Paris & UniverseNet, Oxford) Individual European Fellowships (8 researchers for 192 months)

Slide 5 FP7 ( ) – ITNs 3 CERN-coordinated ITNs approved [out of 12 proposals] in 1 st Call 2007 –ACEOLE (mono), 12 ESRs + 5 ERs, 492 months –MC-PAD, 9 partners, 17 ESRs + 5 ERs, 732 months –PARTNER, 10 partners, 20 ESRs + 5 ERs, 840 months Started in October & November 2008 for 4 years CERN partner in CLOUD (Frankfurt) & DITANET (Heidelberg) 2 nd Call 2008 not so lucky 

Slide 6 FP7 ( ) – COFUND Cofunding of Fellowship Programmes Proposal introduced 2 new features: –3-year fellowships –Possibility to spend 3rd year elsewhere, under certain conditions. Successful in 1st call 2008 Negotiations with EC in final phase Will give 48 Fellows the opportunity for a 3rd year on the well- established CERN Fellowship Programme (usually 2 years) Aiming for contract start in May 2009 for total of 4 years

Slide 7 FP7 ( ) – Individual Fellowships Intra-European Fellowships (5 researchers for 120 months) –2 IEFs started –1 to start mid-09 –2 new contracts being negotiated for 2009/2010 start Incoming Fellowships (1 researcher for 24 months) –negotiations ongoing with the EC for 2009/2010 start

Slide 8 Some of the things we have learned (which might be relevant for you) Use/meet Project Officers [via Coordinator] Reporting – make your life easy !!!! Recruitment : –Interview candidates (phone interviews OK) –Advertize posts widely. Use contacts. Use Commission tool. Encourage ESR/ERs to take advantage of generous training grants

Slide 9 Marie Curie Actions as a support for training Direct relation to the European Commission’s strategic research priorities A boost for researchers’ career prospects A catalyst to form longer-term collaborations amongst the partners Marie Curie Actions at CERN –exciting opportunities that make facilities available to a new generation of researchers –non-CERN Member State nationals eligible It’s all about TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING!

Slide 10 The future… No ITN call in 2009 International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) a possibility – proposal deadline 27 March 09 Management of the new Network contracts a challenge Development of contacts with the European Commission

Slide 11 Back-up : Activity logs – an example Define activity types, for example : 1.On the job training 2.Formal training 3.Complementary training 4.Presentations, teaching, communicating ESR/ER fills in following type of table : Useful tool for reviewing progress and report writing TypeDescription of ActivityDateDurationReference /url