GTEP Resource Manual Training 2 The Education Trust Study (1998) Katie Haycock “However important demographic variables may appear in their association.


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Presentation transcript:

GTEP Resource Manual Training

2 The Education Trust Study (1998) Katie Haycock “However important demographic variables may appear in their association with student achievement, teaching quality is the most dominant factor in determining student success.”

3 According to Bruce Joyce: “The single most critical factor in staff development that affects students is implementation.”

4 Seven Areas of Teacher Evaluation The role of the teacher in meeting the school’s student achievement goals including the academic gains of students assigned to the teacher Observations of the teacher by the principal and assistant principals during the delivery of instruction and at other times as appropriate Participation in professional development opportunities and the application of concepts learned to classroom and to school activities Communication and interpersonal skills as they relte to interaction with students, parents, other teachers, administrators, and other school personnel Timeliness and attendance for assigned responsibilities Adherence to school and local system procedures and rules Personal conduct while in performance of school duties

5 Resource Manual GTEP Categories Category 1:GTOI Category 2:GTDRI Category 3: (b) 1 Category 4: (b) 3

6 Where does each of the criteria for teaching quality fall within these four categories of teacher evaluation?

7 Two Goals in the development of the GTEP Resource Manual To correlate the seven areas of teacher evaluation in Georgia Code as closely as possible with the Georgia Teacher Evaluation Program process To update the Georgia Teacher observation Instrument (GTOI) to include newer research based “sample effective practices” and to align the Georgia Teacher Duties and Responsibilities Instrument (GTDRI) with the requirements of Code

8 Two Purposes for This Training To prepare you to implement a process for addressing Georgia Code Section (b) 1 and 3 To enable you to recognize where additional scientific research based instructional strategies align to the GTOI

9 Five Step Process 1.Conduct Pre-Evaluation Conference (August- September) 2. Complete Student Achievement Implementation Plan Form and Professional Growth Plan Form (August - September) 3. Implement and Monitor the Plans (September-March) 4. Conduct the Annual Evaluation Conference (prior to April 1) 5. Complete Summary Report (prior to April 1)

10 Step One: Conduct Pre-Evaluation Conference (August-September) How do you analyze school data to set achievement goals? How do you link student achievement goals to professional development?

11 Why use Student Achievement Data?

12 How do you analyze school data to set achievement goals? Administrators and teachers should carefully analyze available student achievement data and prioritize a list of areas for improved performance. Goals may be established for a whole school, a grade, an academic department, or an individual teacher.

13 Two Questions to Ask During Data Analysis: 1. How many students are succeeding in the subjects taught? 2. Within those subjects, what are the areas of strength or weakness?

14 How do you analyze school data to set achievement goals? Administrators and teachers should carefully analyze available student achievement data and prioritize a list of areas for improved performance. Goals may be established for a whole school, a grade, an academic department, or an individual teacher.

15 What Should a Good Goal Look Like? There should be some baseline data that can be used to measure improved performance. The goal must be specific and measurable. It should be a worthwhile goal and require specific effort to be attained. The method of collecting data to measure the attainment of the goal must be clearly stated.

16 Sample Goals 80% of students in the first grade will be reading on the Fountas and Pinnell Level H by April % of third grade students will be at the extending writing stage on the third grade writing assessment in April or have moved at least two stages on the writing assessment rubric from September to April. The percent of students not meeting standard on the fourth grade CRCT mathematics test will decrease by 15%. 98% of the tenth grade students will pass the mathematics GHSGT on the first try.

17 Step One: Conduct Pre-Evaluation Conference (August-September) How do you analyze school data to set achievement goals? How do you link student achievement goals to professional development?

18 Mike Schmoker defines the “real work” of instructional improvement: “the collaborative effort to share, produce, test, and refine lessons and strategies targeted to areas of low performance, where more effective instruction can make the greatest difference for students”

19 Cycle of Continuous Improvement and Professional Growth Apply How will I apply what I’ve learned in my classroom to increase student learning? Teach Implementation in the classroom Assessing student learning Plan What are my goals? What do I know about students? Information gathering Developing a plan Reflect What have I learned? -about my students? -about my teaching? -about the community of learners at my school? Adapted from W.E. Deming, Out of the Crisis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering, 1986.

20 Step Two: Complete Student Achievement and Professional Development Goal/s Forms How are the student achievement and professional development goals documented?

21 Step Three: Implement and Monitor the Plans How do you monitor teacher implementation of plans?

22 Methods for Monitoring Review of daily schedules Classroom observations Attendance at grade level/departmental team planning meetings Reviewing transcripts from professional development activities Collecting and reviewing benchmark assessments, pre/post test scores administered during the school year, progress reports

23 Step Four: Annual Evaluation Conference What happens during the annual evaluation conference?

24 Step Five: Complete the Summary Report How does the summary report impact a teacher’s annual evaluation?

25 The Scoring Process:

26 Essential Questions What are additional sample effective practices? How do you use the sample effective practices? What are Guiding Questions and how can they promote best classroom practice?

Summarizing Activity 3 ways to use the GTOI Resource Manual 2 “additional effective practices” you would like to see being used consistently and pervasively in your school 1 way you will use the Guiding Questions

28 Seven Areas of Teacher Evaluation The role of the teacher in meeting the school’s student achievement goals including the academic gains of students assigned to the teacher Observations of the teacher by the principal and assistant principals during the delivery of instruction and at other times as appropriate Participation in professional development opportunities and the application of concepts learned to classroom and to school activities Communication and interpersonal skills as they relte to interaction with students, parents, other teachers, administrators, and other school personnel Timeliness and attendance for assigned responsibilities Adherence to school and local system procedures and rules Personal conduct while in performance of school duties