Adapting our course for people with learning difficulties Sally Cavanagh 14 th May 2010
Adapting the EPP for people with Learning Difficulties Background to EPP CIC Overview of Specialist Courses Quality Assurance and evidence Adapting the course The Future Questions
About Expert Patients Programme Community Interest Company. Department of Health EPP project Tasked with establishing wide spread availability of lay led of self management courses Established as a Community Interest Company in Rapid national expansion. Company in 2007
Specialist courses We have developed a range of specialist courses to address the needs of certain groups, in particular those who experience health inequalities: Online generic (CDSMC) Courses in other languages than English Carers People living with Aphasia People living learning difficulties People living with COPD and breathlessness People in recovery from substance & alcohol misuse People in prison People living with mental health conditions Parents of children with a long term condition ‘Staying positive’ workshops for young people Wise Up (awareness training for practitioners)
What about quality? World class Quality Assurance framework; Stepping Stones to Quality (SSQ2). Accredited training and Tutors and Trainers. Development of an independent certification body (QISMET) underway
Evidence Recently published updated evidence on our self-management programmes. Survey of 1000 course participants; Over 50% reported fewer unscheduled visits to GP and A&E. Over 35% reported reductions in medication usage (most frequently anti-depressant and pain medications). Illustrative examples show cost savings of around £1,800 per person per year. View the full report on our website
The Aim of Self Management courses is: To equip participants with the confidence, skills and motivation to manage their health better, co-work with social and healthcare professionals and take control of their lives.
What does a self-management course look like? Typically, courses are six weeks long Delivered weekly in community venues Each session 2.5 hrs long 10 – 15 participants, lay tutors Specialist courses and courses for health professionals use slightly different formats
Course participants learn how to... Set goals, problem solve and make action plans Build their confidence Identify shared experiences with others Develop their communication skills Manage their emotions and daily activities Manage relationships with family, friends, work colleagues, care teams and health care professionals Find health resources Understand the importance of exercise and healthy eating Manage fatigue, sleep, pain, anger and depression.
Adapting the programme Developed in conjunction with a small working party and professionals. Whole programme examined for accessibility and relevance to people with learning difficulties. Piloted in four sites Evaluated Recommendations from evaluation implemented
What does this mean? We replaced the course book with a DVD and toolkit. We removed or adapted some activities and concepts used on the generic course. We added extra weeks to the course. We included an extra tutor to support the group. We translated the tutor manual into easy read format. We made the course resources accessible. We gave tutors specialist training.
What did the evaluation say? Attrition was low Goals as for our original course ‘an example of public involvement, participation and empowerment’. Participants reported changes in self management behaviours as a result of the programme. Social empowerment outcomes were reported.
What did we learn? It can be done! It takes time, meticulous planning and thought. People with learning difficulties can change their health and health behaviours
Bristol PCT Valuing People The Elfrida Society Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust North Staffordshire PCT Hertfordshire University A Big ‘Thank You’
Contact Lyn Wilson Head of Programme Management and Development