LASSWADE HIGH SCHOOL GROUPS/CLUBS INFORMATION Wednesday 11 March 2015 You only have TODAY and TOMORROW left to vote!
Assemblies this week WednesdayS5/S6 ThursdayS4 FridayS3
All S3 Pupils should go with their class teacher to the Assembly Hall at 9.00am today to hear a presentation by Jamie Taylor from Artemis who will be talking about their work on Renewable Energy.
U16’S and U18’s rugby Midlothian 7’s this Friday. Meeting today at break time in the PE department. We will be taking squads of 12 for each age group!
S1 Design and Technology All S1 pupils who were finalists for the Recycled Toy Project must collect their toys by the end of this week. Any toys not collected by Friday 13 March will be disposed of.
S1 Competition Reminder Hand your poems to Mr Chisholm by this Friday Write an acrostic poem about DETERMINATION MYSTERY PRIZE for the best entry
EDMODO A reminder to all Challengers that you must sign up to the EDMODO group set up for the trip. See Mr Rhodes for the group code.
Calling all S3! Interested in learning how to make bath bombs? Chance to win a trip to the London Science Museum to make your own cosmetic product & work with a high street brand. Come along to Room 101 at Friday break to find out more!
S4-S6 PREFECTS Parents Evening This Thursday (12 TH March) Next Tuesday (17 TH March) Remember to sign up with your House Captains
PROM! Final Prom payments are due! The final payment of £30 is to be paid to Miss Lyon or Mrs Crawford by the 30 th of April. All payments must be paid!! More updates on the Prom twitter
Fairtrade Fortnight The Fairtrade tuck shop will be on EVERY day at lunch time for the next two weeks to raise as much money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Come along and try out the goods!
Academy Applications Students who have selected to apply for an Academy Course must return their completed application form to Guidance by Thursday. Application form are available from the Guidance Department.
Student Success Stories Do you have a success story you would like celebrated in the next school newsletter? This could include news about: Sports (including out of school sports clubs) Music and Drama events Community club events Volunteering Fundraising Lots of other things Send your stories and photos to Kat by Friday please
The Scottish Youth Parliament Election is taking place between now and the 13 th of March. You can vote online at All young people between the ages of 12 and 25 can vote using their Young Scot card number.
World Challenge Ceilidh Masonic Hall; Saturday, April 4th - 7pm -Tickets- £5 for concessions £7 for adults Available to buy at lunch in room 209, (Mr Stewart's room)
Crummock is a busy expanding Civil Engineering Contractor in Bonnyrigg. They are looking for 2 Modern apprentices as Quantity Surveyors. You should be: Interested in Construction. Expecting good higher results in Maths and English. IT literate. Enthusiastic, confident, outgoing, punctual and friendly. A good ‘people’ person – good interpersonal skills. A strong written and verbal communicator. If interested see please Mr Rhodes ASAP.
Wednesday: Study Support Lunchtime S1/S2 ScienceScience Department After school Maths (S1, S2, N4,N5 & H)Maths department PhysicsRoom 123 Higher Business ManagementRoom 231 ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.10) Higher History: Source Questions Mr McKay (216) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept
Wednesday: Clubs Lunchtime S1 Art and DesignMr Miller (Room 316) Craft and ChatHome Economics (Rm 201) Lego MindstormRoom 228 ChessMr Poots (Room 212) Keyboard Group, Guitar Group and Show Band All in the music department After School School Show RehearsalsMusic department
Wednesday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S6 Table TennisPE Studio (Mr Gulzar) After school Body Combat/ Boxercise Dance Studio 3.40 – 4.25pm Netball3.45 – 4.45pm Basketball3.45 – 4.45pm GymnasticsGymnastics Academy Snowsports Club4 – 6.30pm (Miss Murray)
Thursday: Study Support Lunchtime German (S4 – S6)Mr Stienbach – Room 213 After school Maths (Higher)Maths department HistoryNat4/5 (116) Higher (117) S4 – S6 BiologyRoom 103 Miss Hargreaves National 5 Geography Geography Department ArtArt department (3.30 – 4.45) EnglishMiss Mollon (224) Design & TechnologyDesign & Technology Dept
Thursday: School Clubs Lunchtime S1 – S3 Creative WritingMrs Ramtohul (Room 229) S4 – S6 Creative WritingMiss Ludbrook (Room 219) S1 – S3 Keyboard and Glockenspiel Room 003 Ceilidh BandMusic department After school Drama ClubRoom 007 (3.30 – 4.30) Concert BandMusic department
Thursday: Sports Clubs Lunchtime S1/S2 5-a-sidePE Department After school Girls Football TrainingAstro