Watson Academy Comprehensive Program Review October 25, 2013
EPICS: – attended train the trainer – trained 43 CRJ staff in EPICS – worked with UC and CJI for this collaboration Training: – updated pre/post tests – piloted case management 101 with Matt LeFrancois – connected with Heidi Buckley (DYS) and DOC to find information for train-the-trainer Life Skills – expanded services to Hampshire House HIGHLIGHTS
Obtaining funding from diverse sources Need for more CPR/First Aid trainers Transition the publication of Quarterly and Annual Training Reports from SQA to Watson Academy AREAS IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT
STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Performance Evaluations Staff Training
STAFF TURNOVER RATES Data obtained from HR Turnover Reports Staff Training 2/2012 – 7/2013 Training Watson Academy EPICS Train-the-Trainers held on April 29 - May 2, Overdue Performance Evaluations as of 7/31/13 FTPT Watson Academy 10 Last CPR, WA staff turnover was 33.3% compared to SJS’s 33.9% (August 2012 – January 2013) Watson Academy is comprised of.75 FT Program Director and 1 PT Life Skills Coordinator (LSC)
TRAININGS (Held between February 2013 – July 2013) Basic Trauma: Basic Trauma, Overview of signs and symptoms; Boundaries and Diversity: Cultural Diversity, Boundaries; Case Management 101; Crisis Prevention and Personal Safety; CPR/First Aid/AED: Universal Precautions, CPR, Basic First Aid; EPICS; Group Facilitation/Train the Trainer; LSI Training; Report Writing: CDC Report Writing/Report Writing; Sexual Misconduct Prevention (PREA): Staff Integrity and Ethics, Preventing, Identifying handling of Sexual Abuse and Assault, Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills; Substance Abuse: Substance Abuse Awareness; Suicide Prevention: Signs of Suicide and Suicide Prevention; Treatment Culture: Staff Integrity and Ethics, Crisis Intervention, Interpersonal Relationships and Communication Skills, Standards of Conduct, Counseling Techniques. Information obtained from Watson Academy
TRAINERS FOR FY 2013 (February 2013 – July 2013) Thanks to the following individuals for facilitating trainings during the year: Maria Alexson, Manager of Employee Relations/Training & Development Treatment Culture and Philosophy Training Leonard Andrews, Director of Sargent House CPI and Personal Safety Training Kelley Cunningham, Samaritans, Inc. Suicide Prevention Training Elizabeth Curtin, Director of Social Justice Services Department LSI Training Matthew LeFrancois, Assistant Director of Hampshire House Case Management 101 Laura McSparron, LICSW, Clinical Director of STS Basic Trauma Training Magdalana Grace Siegel, LADC, Consultant Substance Abuse Information obtained from Watson Academy
TRAININGS CONDUCTED AND STAFF PARTICIPATION Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Watson Academy conducted 34 trainings and served 299 staff (February – July 2013) Last CPR, Watson Academy conducted 28 trainings and served 192 staff (August 2012 – January 2013)
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 137 Evaluations: February to July 2013 Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR (170 Evaluations): (August 2012 – January 2013) Superior = 38% Above Average = 44% Average = 18% Below Average = 0% Fair = 0% Last CPR (170 Evaluations): (August 2012 – January 2013) Strongly Agree = 83% Agree = 16% Disagree = 0% No Opinion = 1%
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 137 Evaluations: February 2013 – July 2013 (EPICS evaluations not included in this total) Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR, 170 Evaluations, August 2012 – January 2013: Knowledge PRIOR to the training: 36% High and 42% Medium Knowledge AFTER the training: 90% High and 10% Medium
Information obtained from Watson Academy Training Evaluations Last CPR, 170 Evaluations (August 2012 – January 2013): The material presented was clear and easy to see: SA: 146A:24 Training started on time: SA: 127A: 40N.O. = 1D:2 There was sufficient time to have questions answered: SA: 144A: 26N.O. = 0 D:0 TRAINING EVALUATIONS 137 Evaluations: February 2013 – July 2013 (EPICS evaluations not included in this total)
TRAINING EVALUATIONS 137 Evaluations : February 2013 – July 2013 STAFF COMMENTS: I really liked this aspect of the training Treatment Culture Trainings: "I have had her (Maria) teach a few of my classes; she is very well educated of everything she teaches“ "Very informative training, we were all given opportunities to share our thoughts and experiences” "Good job"; "Thank you Maria! Your trainings are always very informative” Boundaries/Diversity/PREA Trainings: “Actual cases were discussed in the trainings” "This gave me more information that will help me in my program“ "She's really clear with her teachings and her PowerPoints are very well put together" Case Management Trainings: "Clear and explained well all of the information; had real examples to go along with the subject" "Interactive group work“ "Able to pull what H.H. does into IPPs/CM and utilize moving forward at CH“
STAFF COMMENTS: I really liked this aspect of the training First Aid/CPR/AED Trainings: “Marcy takes her time“ "The trainer got right to the point and explained it well” "Because I learned so much. CPR tech has changed so much from the last training I had over 7 years ago“ "Short videos and hands on kept the training interesting and fun" Substance Abuse Trainings: "Learning about addictions and how it affects the populations we work with” “The training was great, would take it again" Other Comments: "Marcy's trainings are always informative” “ The instructor was knowledgeable; I felt she was a great teacher. Look forward to additional trainings" TRAINING EVALUATIONS 137 Evaluations : February 2013 – July 2013
LIFE SKILLS PROGRAMS Information obtained from Watson Academy Monthly Reports A total of 102 sessions (17% increase from last CPR) and 375 clients served (14% increase) from February – July 2013 The YTD total is 120 sessions serving 461 clients (January – July 2013) Last CPR, a total of 87 sessions were held and 328 clients served (August 2012 – January 2013) The current life skills curriculum consists of topics including independent living skills, job readiness preparation, goal setting, communication skills, stress management, nutrition and health, and parenting.
PBHA Tutors on summer hiatus from June – September 2013 Information obtained from Watson Academy Monthly Reports
Improve on the pre/post testing, current testing is too easy Need for more CPR/First Aid trainers (Company Wide) Need more staff trained in the “Train-the-Trainer” program Expansion/Increase the hours of the Life Skills program Improve/create a system that helps with proper documentation for all trainings completed - this is a company wide issue and the Quality Council is working with HR to address this in the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) pilot project.