Conditions High blood pressure Mild hearing loss Blurred vision Environmental onset allergies Occasional headaches Diet and Medications Low sodium diet Advil as needed daily One diuretic tablet daily 80 milligrams/day aspirin 4 allergy shots/day Devices Bilateral hearing aids Eye glasses
Long Term Goal Larry will improve his expressive language skills by increasing his fluency of speech during conversations and word retrieval skills so that he can be successful in his daily communication efforts.
Short Term Goals Given a verbal prompt, Larry will use 2-3 word phrases to communicate appropriately 75% of opportunities. Rarnsberger, G., & Basem, M. (2007). Self-administered cued naming therapy: A single- participant investigation of a computer-based therapy program replicated in four cases. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16, Larry will spontaneous name pictures correctly displayed on flashcards in 75% of attempts. Middleton, E.L., & Schwartz, M. F. (2013). Learning to fail in aphasia: An investigation of error learning in naming. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56, doi: / (2012/ )
Short Term Goals Given three to four word sentences auditorily, Larry will imitate with no word retrieval errors on 90% of his attempts. Mumby, K., & Whitworth, A. (2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of intervention in long- term aphasia post-stroke: the experience from CHANT (Communication Hub for Aphasia in North Tyneside). International Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders, 47(4), doi: /j x Using word cards, Larry will use S-V-O sentences to tell a story in 90% of his attempts. Gora, M., Kempler, D. (2009). Training verb production in communicative context: evidence from a person with chronic non-fluent aphasia. Aphasiology, 23(12), doi: /
Materials 1.Functional word list 2.Picture Flashcards 3.The Pittsburgh Post- Gazette 4.Dry Erase Board and Markers 5.Functional word cards
Activities The clinician will verbally prompt the client when facilitating word retrieval strategies during conversation between activities. Clinician will elicit word finding abilities through the use of visual prompts such as pictures on a flashcard. Additionally, the clinician will provide phonemic prompts to assist the client when he experiences difficulty. The clinician will utilize visual prompting through the use of written sentences on a dry erase board as needed when imitating quotes from a newspaper. The clinician will verbally prompt the client by stating “subject”, “verb”, or “object” depending on which part of the sentence he is experiencing difficulty.