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Activities with a high human labor component: Inspecting and cataloguing media. Categorizing and organizing collections & creating descriptive metadata. Pre-digitization preparation of media. Digitizing legacy audio formats. Metadata entry: Archive numbers Descriptive & technical metadata Post-digitization activities: File Security – Check-sum generation, validity tests, file management Quality analysis – restoration. Derivative creation – testing massive derivative collections.
Activities benefiting from computer automation: Multiple digitization streams. High-speed, multi-channel, dual-direction ingest. Automated quality analysis of digital intermediates or masters. Automated metadata creation/import/export. File level security for audio data and metadata. Automated creation of derivatives for access purposes. Automated quality analysis of derivative creation. Automated reporting and notification systems.
Friendly purpose-built digitization GUI. Import modules for most legacy media formats. Multiple stream ingest with integrated monitor. Emphasis on audio quality and metadata. Metadata driven workflow management & supervision software. Import/Export XML metadata - web-service integration with Cube- Tec and 3 rd party products. Scalable distributed batch processor. Audio and metadata processing engine. Simple graphical interface for creating workflow processes. Powerful decision making
Legacy Database Corporate Asset Management System
Traditional Approach: Requirements for a digitization studio needs to be replicated multiplied by the number of ingest streams desired. Expensive – Example: six parallel ingest streams require… 6 studios/rooms 6 transfer engineers 6 sets of digitization stations – computers, monitoring, etc. Quality analysis potential and cost/performance assessment: Quality Analysis: Critical: - Active listening by human. - Descriptive information & quality analysis can be collected while recording. - High skill = high cost. Quality Analysis: Non-Critical: - Non-skilled workers lowers labor costs. - Limited ability to perform quality analysis. Quality analysis may not be required.
QUADRIGA Approach: One workstation can provide up to eight parallel ingest streams simultaneously. System costs offset redundant real-estate and equipment costs – only require: 1 studio, 1 computer system, 1 audio monitoring system, etc. Labor costs are dramatically decreased.
Multi-Speed Recording Speeds from ½x to 4x with accurate playback equalization and pitch correction for proper real-time monitoring. Multi-Channel Recording Ingest mono, stereo or multi-channel sources to 8 tracks with appropriate monitoring functions. Dual-Direction Ingest ½ track mono or ¼ track stereo open reel and compact cassette formats in one pass. Includes real-time, reverse- corrected monitoring during capture. Combine Formats Ingest a ¼ track compact cassette using double-speed, 4-channel, dual direction for a one pass ingest: 90 min cassette would take 22.5 minutes to digitize.
AudioFile Inspector and Digital Error Checker are real-time analysis tools that automatically detect both analog and digital domain events in the audio stream. Time domain events are time-stamped and displayed in a Report List. Events can be used as location markers in the recorded file. Statistical analysis such as averages, means, ratios, etc. are displayed in real-time. Critical thresholds can be set for each event typed. The complete analysis reports can be stored in the Quality Chunk of the BWF header and exported as XML based metadata. Multiple analysis profiles can be created for any media type.
Automatically Detected Events: Start/End of Modulation, Signal Pauses Analog Distortion, Clicks, Dropouts, Hum Stereo/Mono, Speech/Music Content S/N Ratio, Bandwidth, DC-Offset Dynamic, Peaks, Average Level Stereo Balance, Correlation, Azimuth Errors Digital Zero, Digital Clicks, Digital Clipping, Block Repetition, Sample-Holds
Cube-Workflow Integration: Manages the task of generating work-order processes for QUADRIGA and Dobbin systems. Operates as a stand-alone work-group solution with it’s own database engine, or as the link between an existing asset management system. Exchanges database information from any external database source to QUADRIGA and Dobbin systems, and back…
Driven By Metadata: Use existing collected information throughout the digitization, ingest and post- processing life-cycles. Cube-Workflow’s process chains can be dynamic - adapting to collected metadata. Exchanging process service information with other Cube-Tec products enable automatic processing between software applications.
Manage your Workflows Supervises scheduled jobs and traces production issues using bi-directional messaging. and SNMP notifications are event triggered from workflow processes. Time-line based statistical information collected by QUADRIGA and Dobbin can be viewed in Cube-Workflow.
Dobbin: Automated Processing Drag and drop your workflows. Connect processes using virtual audio, logic or metadata wiring. Performs syntactic wiring check. Test newly created jobs with a single file. Trigger jobs from file creation, file movement, metadata criteria, statistical analysis, external applications or manually.
Content Analysis Automatic quality analysis: Analog and Digital errors. Processing Comprehensive re-mastering and re-formatting tools. Automatic restoration tools. File Conversion Convert any PCM format. DDP translation. Integrate metadata. File Security FSC, MD5 and DDP integrity tools. File correlators. Audio File Encoding Derivative generation for mp2/3, AAC, mpeg, DTS, AC3, WMA, MLP & more. Tools Complete logic tools for automated decisions. Integrates 3 rd party applications and scripts.
Manage your Jobs: Real- time status of each job progress. Re-prioritize job queue on-the- fly. Accurate job-time estimates. Sorting and filtering of job list by any criteria. Complete logging of all workflow processes. Messaging service to Cube- Workflow for on-line updates
View Your Results: Complete reporting with drill- down capability and integrated waveform displays. Sorting and intelligent filtering of all events. Events displayed on graphical timeline along with audio image. Uses web technologies – available at any connected PC. Exchanging process service information with other Cube- Tec products.
Play Your Results: Launch the BWF player from your web-page with integrated event list and waveform graphical display. Built in sample rate converter to audio playback on any computers sound card. List can re-populate with any event-type and each item can be used to locate with pre- roll.
Print your Results: XML reports are styled using XSLT. Templates are provided for viewing and printing. Easily customizable by any web developer. This can include connections to external data sources. Can be stored as intranet resource for archive group stakeholders.
A simple API for creating rules consumed by modules that perform workflow decisions – Example: Decider. These rules are loaded and stored into a module from Job Designer. The Rule Editor Workbench allows simple drag-and-drop techniques to define the elements and rule logic.
Completely integrated meta- data schema - the BWF format, reports, FPUs, etc. This is used to create the source parameter set used by rules. Schema and parameter selection and then assigning the desired value for the rule criteria is performed in a simple dialog box.
The Workspace area is used to define the rule. Each rule has a Start and End element with some number of internal elements that tests criteria, performs conditional branching or manipulates data. Drag-and-Drop from any Workspace window or element field facilitates simple rule creation and minimizes human-error.
The Rule Editor modules are similar to a programming language syntax. They allow a simple and common approach to creating the rule logic that is applied to the meta-data. Control items are used for defining the logic flow of a rule. Includes elements for conditional branching, and looping through element sets. Functions are used for calculations, searching, defining logic paths, and manipulating numbers and strings. Complex are presets of user-created combinations of Controls and Functions.
END Derivatives XML
Parallel digitization produce dramatic results in efficiencies. Multi-speed, multi-channel and dual direction ingest, leverages existing resources further increasing efficiencies. Metadata integration minimizes repetitive data entry and associated human error. Automated quality analysis facilitates parallel ingest and produces rich technical metadata for your media. Automated batch processing eliminates human activities relating to derivative generation. Powerful, metadata driven workflows, allow for rich media content to flow from ingest to on-line access in a secure but automated fashion.