Courtney Hill Keta Solis Lisa Hernandez Mary Lou Garcia
Assembling writing collections Holistic rating training requirements, including supplemental training Tips on using reports to monitor course completions and qualification activities Updates Future plans
Use of TELPAS electronic submission process ◦ to enter/verify identification, program, and demographic information ◦ to submit holistic ratings and rater information ◦ to submit grades 2-12 reading tests ◦ to verify data Final three-day verification window Interface assignments Student tutorials
Grade LevelsLanguage Domains K–1Observational assessment in listening, speaking, reading, and writing 2–12Observational assessment in listening and speaking; writing collections for writing There are multiple-choice reading tests to assess the reading domain for grades 2–12.
Identify ELLs in grades K-12 and designate raters* Holistic rating training conducted* Gather writing samples for ELLs in grades to include in writing collection (Feb. 1) Raters use PLDs to assign students a rating in each language domain assessed *completed in fall semester
Authentic writing aligned to the Texas English language proficiency standards (ELPS) and content-area TEKS ◦ Avoid formulaic or school-wide writing assignments ◦ Do not allow TELPAS writing days where all writing is done in 1 day
NEW RATERS complete basic training in the fall; this allows them to use the PLDs to guide instruction and monitor progress throughout the year* ALL raters complete online refresher in the spring to practice rating students prior to the TELPAS assessment Reminder: Vast majority of Level 1 training should occur in fall In spring, Level 1 course is offered to cover extenuating circumstances
Level 1: Basic Training Course for K-1 Level 2: Refresher Course for K-1 Level 1: Basic Training Course for Grades 2-12 Level 2: Refresher Course for Grades 2-12 Assembling and Verifying Grades 2-12 Writing Collections
Level 1 online training Newly assigned K–12 raters who have not yet been trained and 2–12 raters previously trained but not yet qualified Spring online qualification For grades 2-12 Level 1 trainees Level 2 online refresher For all other raters – the vast majority K–1 previously trained raters (includes those trained in fall 2009) 2–12 previously trained and qualified raters (includes those trained and qualified in fall 2009)
Online Course Start Dates Assembling and Verifying Writing Collections1/4 Level 1: Basic Training for K–1 Raters2/1 Level 2: Refresher for K–1 Raters2/1 Level 1: Basic Training for 2–12 Raters2/1 Level 2: Refresher for 2–12 Raters2/1 Online Qualification Window Opens2/1 Collection of Writing Begins2/1
All refreshers must be completed by Monday, Feb. 22, 2010, 8:00 am. Refresher Re-Taker supplemental training will be held Feb. 25, March 8, 2010 is the deadline for new Qualifications and Refresher Re-takers. Special Situations contact Courtney Hill
Testing coordinators to receive a copy of the qualification and/or refresher certificate and raters will initial roster of Raters. For K–12 raters who do not rate students accurately enough on Level 2 (refresher course) practice activities Supplemental Training – Feb. 25, 2010 (bring printout of training history) Raters who are required to take the supplemental training will print the page of the supplemental training when complete. Further info to come…
Raters who rate fewer than 5 of 7 students on the Level 2 refresher correctly in any domain are required to take the supplemental training in that domain. Supplemental Training: Feb. 25 Refresher re-taker training Raters will print 2 copies of the Supplemental training history completed at the Feb. 25 Refresher re-taker training. 1copy is for the campus coordinator and the other for their records. A score of 4 out of 5 in the failed domain is required to be a rater. (Shown on copy of training history)
Level 2 refresher for grades 2–12 contains an additional writing practice module which raters who need supplemental training might do, by mistake, thinking it is their supplemental training Raters will not get confused if they follow the instructions in the TELPAS Manual and online course
Campus Coordinators may encourage raters to do this module: before Level 2 writing module before Level 1 supplemental training if not successful on Level 2 after Level 1 supplemental training if not successful (as part of rating support plan)
Rating support will be provided for raters who are not successful on the supplemental training. The unsuccessful rater will still rate, but a qualified rater will rate behind them.
Campus coordinators are responsible for overseeing whether raters: ◦ complete necessary training ◦ are adequately prepared to serve as independent raters
TELPAS Confidential Course Completion Roster ◦ List of users showing courses done, module results, and time in modules TELPAS Course Completion Summary Report ◦ Summarizes by course how many users are done or in progress TELPAS Confidential Rater Qualification Roster ◦ List of users showing qualification status and results TELPAS Confidential Rater Qualification Summary Information ◦ Summarizes how many attempted, successful, and unsuccessful qualifications TELPAS At-A-Glance Training & Qualification Report ◦ List of users with key course completion and qualification information Follow along through the next six slides
Reports are available by semester Report can be viewed in 3 different formats ◦ Web view ◦ PDF file ◦ CSV file Data in CSV file format can be manipulated in a way that is most useful
TELPAS Confidential Course Completion Roster Use this report to monitor supplemental training
TELPAS Course Completion Summary Report
TELPAS Confidential Rater Qualification Report
TELPAS Confidential Rater Qualification Summary Information
TELPAS At-A-Glance Training & Qualification Report Can also be used to monitor supplemental training
Beginning in , listening and speaking to be added to qualification component for raters of students in grade 2 or higher Same number of students per qualification set – rating of writing, listening, and speaking within each set; qualification overall, not by domain Raters already qualified won’t have to qualify again Beginning in , qualification requirements to apply to K–1 raters too – all domains to be included
2010 District and Campus Coordinator Manual ◦ Includes the Fall 2009-Spring 2010 Coordinator’s User Guide for Online Training and Qualificati on 2010 TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators ◦ Includes the Fall 2009-Spring 2010 Rater’s User Guide for Online Training and Qualification Assembling and Verifying Grades 2-12 Writing Collections online course ◦ Found on the Texas TrainingCenter Writing Collection Overview PowerPoint training slides ◦ Available on TEA’s Student Assessment Division website on the ELL Assessments page
Key guides ◦ District and Campus Coordinator Manual ◦ Technical User’s Guide ◦ TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators See page 207 of Coordinator Manual for comprehensive list of online testing resources es/coormanual/dccm_telpas.pdf
Used to submit all information through the secure eMeasurement system: ◦ student identification, demographic, and program information ◦ holistic ratings ◦ “do not score” information ◦ rater information ◦ testing accommodation categories
Student Data: View and Maintain Student Rosters: Add Student or Choose student and edit info. (Edit Student Screen) Session Management: Create a new session Add/remove students, then choose a student from the Session Roster (Student Test Details Screen) View Maintain Sessions Student Test Details found by Clicking on a Session, Then choose a Student from the Roster (Student Test Details Screen) View TELPAS Student Status Generate List (TELPAS Student Status Screen)
Edit Student screen is where student identification, demographic, and program information is found. Updated to reflect revised ethnicity/race field and clarified phrasing for Y in US schools. Drop-down menus for identification and program information reflect the code values that are included in Appendix A of the 2010 District and Campus Coordinator Manual. JJAEP/DAEP student data is no longer being collected in Agency Use field.
receive electronic (PDF) precoded list of students loaded in eMeasurement system at least 2 weeks prior to TELPAS window Data loaded reflects PIEMS Submission Oct 30th Lists to be verified against current information to update data if needed and add any new enrollees Changes and additions to be entered on Edit Student screen Instructions for adding students and updating data can be found in the Coordinator Manual
TELPAS manual for raters does contain instructions for this screen The Campus coordinator will enter this information.
1. By clicking on student’s name in test session to which student is assigned 2. By clicking on first edit icon in row with student’s name on TELPAS Student Status page This page allows students to be viewed in larger groupings than single test session
Be careful to add the correct student to the correct test session. 1. Getting to Student Test Details Screen Through Test Session
When setting up test session, remember that students should have all the time they need to complete the test.
Clicking on session takes user to a session roster.
Clicking on student name takes user to Student Test Details screen.
Student Test Details screen is where holistic ratings, “do not score” designations, rater information, and accommodation categories are entered. For K-1 screen: The accommodation areas have been removed. Accommodations not collected for holistically rated domains.
Listening drop-down menu shown here. For grades 2-12, the listening, speaking, and writing selections will be the same. For grades K-1, all four language domains will have the same selections. After any selections are made, user must click Apply. Only use the accommodations area if a student was allowed an accommodation on the reading test. If the student does not receive accommodations, fields should be left in “Select” position.
There is no reading test score code on Student Test Details screen. For students who test, Reading field will simply be left in Select position, which is default setting Every attempt must be made to test ALL students. However, should the extremely rare need arise, a “Do not score” code must be selected for students who do not test. These codes are: ◦ Absent ◦ Second Semester Immigrant Non-English Reader ◦ ARD Decision ◦ TEA-Approved Paper Administration ◦ Other Student Not to Be Scored
“No Domains Rated” must be selected if a student is marked Extenuating Circumstances or ARD Decision in every domain The rater info fields gather information about TELPAS raters and whether they collaborated with others in determining each student’s TELPAS ratings.
Individuals entering ratings and rater information must not click Mark Test Complete button It is to be used only for grades 2–12 reading test if student’s test should not be scored (absent, ARD decision, etc.) or if a student didn’t submit a completed test If button is selected, student cannot take reading test and Pearson will need to be contacted
2. Getting to Student Test Details Screen Through TELPAS Student Status Page Clicking in first edit column takes user to Student Test Details screen.
TELPAS Manual does not contain instructions for entering or verifying information on this screen Campus Coordinators will be the only ones allowed to edit student screens
Student records whose key elements are complete show checkmark in Complete column Fields with incomplete key elements are shaded Edit Student screen (for student demographics, etc.) and Student Test Details screen (for ratings, etc.) can be accessed from this page to complete missing information Lists all students assigned to test sessions on a campus Student status roster can be sorted by student name, PEIMS ID, class group, or grade
TELPAS Student Status page allows key data for each student to be verified as complete by testing coordinators. Clicking in first edit column takes user to Student Test Details screen. Clicking in second edit column takes user to Edit Student page.
If rating information is entered through TELPAS Student Status page, user will click “K-1” link in Reading Test Status column for each student. Page refreshes and “Stopped” is indicated. This can be done before or after ratings are entered If rating information is entered by test session, Campus Coordinator must go to TELPAS Student Status page at some point during testing window to click “K-1” link for each student See screenshot next slide Although K–1 students don’t take an online reading test, it is necessary to complete this step before end of testing window for K–1 assessment information to be submitted.
Changes: “K-1” replaces “Stop Test” No need to select “K-Not Applicable to Kinder” for preloaded students
Checkmarks on TELPAS Student Status page mean key data elements (not all data elements) have been filled in Checkmarks do not mean that key information has been verified as accurate Courtney Hill when you have completed entry of testing Completion will be verified by C. Hill and Campus Testing Coordinators will receive confirmation from C. Hill.
All TELPAS Student Rating Rosters and Writing Collection cover sheets (with samples) should be completed and turned in to the Campus coordinator by April 2, Assessment window closes Friday, Apr. 9 (allowing time to ensure no students were missed or not rated.) Verification window closes Wednesday, Apr. 14 (Allowing time to verify all data was entered correctly.) All information will be extracted from the system at midnight on April 14.
All enrolled K–12 ELLs must be assigned to test sessions in online system
Transition this spring to enhanced online interface for grades 2–12 reading tests Tests to be administered in assigned interface One interface assignment per district ◦ Interface A = enhanced interface
Test administration “read aloud” directions are interface-specific Student tutorials and administration directions are interface-specific For JJAEPs with students from different districts: test sessions are interface-specific so different test sessions needed if some students are from Interface A districts and others from Interface B districts (Appendix F of Coordinator Manual)
Comparability of student performance across interfaces to be studied following spring testing Adjustments to be made if needed to maintain score comparability No delay of score reporting
Transition to New Interface Interface A Enhancement Highlights Scrolling through passages eliminated; “paging” function similar to book pages used Items presented next to passages rather than separate window or split-screen Improved functionality for filling in blanks in content-area cloze passages Other enhancements – screen resolution, font style, color images, and more
Changes in Student Tutorials and Administration Previews Administration previews from previous years have been discontinued Student tutorial changes ◦ Separate tutorials for Interface A and B ◦ After sample items (which have directions to be read aloud by teacher), about 20 items have been added that students can complete to help them get used to online testing
Student Tutorials TELPAS tutorials ◦ are optional ◦ should be completed before testing day New ePAT launcher needs to be installed on campus computers Old versions of tutorials, administration previews, and ePAT launcher need to be removed Tutorials are available for download; tutorial must be downloaded for assigned interface Tutorials and ePat launcher are available at
Students should be placed in correct test session for correct test A student should be moved (not removed) if student’s ratings or other test details have already been entered in online system ◦ Student’s data will be lost if student is removed (deleted) rather than moved
eMeasurement system access ◦ All staff accessing online testing system must be issued login IDs and passwords ◦ District coordinators determine how to assign staff’s organizational access and hierarchy ◦ Staff can be given access to perform only certain functions ◦ Information about this is in Coordinator Manual ◦ Specifics are in Technical User’s Guide ◦ Testing coordinators are responsible for maintaining and removing user access
Leaving box unchecked restricts access
Become familiar with new electronic submission system and instructions in manuals Decide how much to involve raters and reading test administrators in entering/verifying data
Texas Online Testing Training Course ◦ Covers basics of setting up and managing online testing (not specific to TELPAS) TELPAS electronic submission system tutorial ◦ Shows how to enter and verify student data ◦ Updated version to be available this week Hands-on practice site ◦ Gives hands-on practice using new electronic submission system Best Practices and Deployment for Online Testing ◦ A self-paced tour regarding technology configurations and setup for online testing (Not specific to TELPAS)
Address: Student Assessment Division phone: ◦