APA Format Abstract & Introduction Psychology 291 October 23, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

APA Format Abstract & Introduction Psychology 291 October 23, 2012

Writing an Abstract A complete summary of the study in < 150 words Think essential and interesting Must describe: – Research question / Purpose / Hypothesis – Participants (# & pertinent characteristics) – The experimental method including apparatus data-gathering procedures complete test names (where applicable) – Results (including statistical information) – Conclusions

Abstract Formatting Begin on a new page with level one heading No Shorthand: – Define all abbreviations and acronyms except units of measurement – Terms should be defined and names of tests and drugs spelled out All numbers in Arabic numerals except those that begin a sentence

SEX DIFFERENCES, TRAINING, AND MENTAL ROTATION 2 Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of training on sex-related differences in mental rotation. Forty-seven participants were given the MRT (mental rotation test) and then divided into training and non ‑ training groups. Training group participants (n = 23) were instructed to play the Nintendo® game Tetris® for 30 minutes per day for 5 consecutive days. The non-training group (n = 24) were instructed to read any text for 30 minutes per day for 5 consecutive days. Participants were tested using the MRT and reaction times were recorded. The training group performed significantly better than the non-training group, t(45)=5.263, p<.01. Implications for learning environments are discussed. Abstract = 108 words

Writing an Introduction Start with the title of your paper in mixed case, centered on a new page – Not bold Be succinct and avoid bias in language – Vague: at-risk children – Clear: children at risk for early school dropout Start general and move to specific – Use the introduction to “funnel” your reader toward the hypothesis

An Introduction must: Introduce the purpose/problem of your study Provide relevant background details Develop your Research Question

Introduction: Consider the following questions Why is the problem important? How does the study relate to previous work in the area? If other aspects of this study have been reported previously, how does this report differ from, and build on, the earlier report? What are the primary and secondary hypotheses and objectives of the study, and what, if any, are the links to theory? How do the hypotheses and research design relate to one another? What are the theoretical and practical implications of the study? American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 27

Introducing the Purpose/Problem Used to “hook” the reader Introduce the topic in very general terms without using jargon or introducing sources At a very general level, why is this topic important to study?

Background Information Outline the elements that lead to your current research question by citing sources – Explain how the sources add to our current understanding of the topic – Discuss findings, methodology, and conclusions Provides a context for your proposed study The topic is narrowed and specific examples of the importance of research are provided

Developing your Research Question Develop your research question – Your research question must be based on and linked to the previous research – How do you intend to approach the problem? – How will your research design address these problems? The reader should be able to evaluate the proposed research and hypotheses as worthwhile and reasonable

Closing your Introduction End with a brief outline of your proposed procedure Provide the theoretical link between your problem and proposed procedure Include a clear statement of your hypothesis (es)

SEX DIFFERENCES MENTAL ROTATION 3 The Effect of Training and Sex on Mental Rotation Task Individuals form environmental expectations based on visual input during their every waking moment. These expectations help individuals avoid potentially hazardous situations and provide a framework for interacting with the environment. The rate at which people respond to this visual input is called a reaction time (RT) and is affected by many variables including visual processing time, consolidation / evaluation time, and effector time. Studies have shown that individuals create mental images of concrete objects to facilitate understanding of their nature and predict outcomes of interactions with these objects (Jones & Stuth, 1997; Schwartz & Black, 1999). These mental images can be manipulated mentally. Cooper and Shepard (1973) developed the two-dimensional Mental Rotation Task (MRT) to test the relationship between mental rotation and RT. They determined that the degree of rotation of these images is directly proportional to RT. More recently, sex differences have been found with the use of MRT (Terlecki, Newcombe, & Little, 2008). These sex differences have been attributed to differences in the mental rotation strategies used by males and females (Heil & Jansen-Osmann, 2008). Our study will attempt replicate Trelecki et al.’s (2008) findings by comparing males’ and females’ RT on the MRT. We will test the effect of videogame training on performance and RT on the MRT. We will utilize the MRT to test the hypotheses that (a) Tetris® training sessions will decrease participants’ RT on the MRT, and (b) there will be differences in RT between the two sexes.

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