Developing Networks and a Market for Knowledge Brokerage “Processes, Values and Experiences developed at the Cambridge Network”
Our Vision Cambridge ideas change the world We ‘raise Cambridge’s game’ by helping our members’ endeavours succeed Sharing amongst members can deliver new sources of success
Cambridge Ideas Change the World Raising Cambridge’s Game Sharing for Success The Cambridge cluster has a scale and vitality which the rest of Europe envies Cambridge has generated significant wealth for investors, companies and the region The University of Cambridge plays a key role in keeping the cluster at the cutting edge The Cambridge Network has 1300 corporate members We organise 40 events per year in Cambridge, London and beyond receives 20,000 individual visitors every week day Our weekly e-news and e-jobs letters have been requested by 3000 & 800 people Our paper newsletter ‘ Connections ’ goes to 2000 people each month The Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge is the president of the Cambridge Network The University of Cambridge owns 20% of the Cambridge Network Anyone with a address can participate in events for free ‘ Through Cambridge Corporate Gateway, Plastic Logic has been introduced to a number of potential partners from all over the world. Having first met BASF Ventures at the Corporate Gateway event, we are delighted that this relationship has blossomed into a multimillion dollar investment ’
Cambridge Ideas Change the World Raising Cambridge’s Game Sharing for Success Requires ‘know who’....value for money services and solutions..and access to complementary resources to make things happen 'I have been offered the position of Marketing Specialist at T which I found by looking on the Cambridge Network website' 'I attended the China Special Interest Group in May and briefly met Anthony Wong, the Commissioner for Design and Innovation. I was able to have a further meeting with him on my recent visit to Hong Kong. This was thanks to the Cambridge Network. ’ ‘ I saved £ 15k on recruitment fees this year thanks to my membership of Cambridge Network ‘
Cambridge Ideas Change the World Raising Cambridge’s Game Sharing for Success A fundamental Cambridge value....embodied by reusing innovation and thinking..and access to people with a wealth of experience 'Thank you both for a fantastic evening last night. I think it was one of the most useful and informative sessions I've ever been to. Meeting so many fellow FDs from similar sectors who had such a level of shared experience was excellent. The food and location were also great. Many thanks for a top scoring event. The Cambridge Network ’ s mission is to link together like-minded people from business and academia to each other and to the global high technology community for the benefit of the Cambridge region In its first year of operation, The Learning Collaboration (TLC) has provided >250 people with access to in-house training schemes run by larger Cambridge Network members – we call this type of benefit “ Collaborative Advantage ”
Where does the Cambridge Network Operate? PhysicalVirtual Global Local Across the board! Introducing investment and deals Networking to share contacts and ideas Promoting the Cambridge brand Celebrating Cambridge successes Promoting member services and collaborative offerings
So how does this relate to member’s needs? Human Resources Marketing Finance Start-up / Early Stage Other / Job Seeker Jobs in website & jobsletter – 50 per year Shared TLC training – 60 courses per year 4 R’s (Remuneration, Rent, Recruitment) Survey Cambridge Corporate Gateway (Apr & Oct) Post news, events, profile into website and newsletter – 50 per year Connections magazine – 12 per year Cambridge Network in the City – 3 per year Financial Directors’ SIG – 3 per year Special Interest Groups for: Intellectual Property, IT, China, USA, India, Healthcare, Cleantech – 20 per year Open Meetings – 4 per year (*) Café Networking – 3 per year (*) Post CVs (*) Benefits are free and open to all employees of Corporate Member. (*) = also available to individuals
Why do members join? To improve chances of meeting the right people (both locally and globally) To show affiliation to the Cambridge Phenomenon and the values its stands for To benefit from FREE Member services
Key Success Factors The “Cambridge” Brand Local “Heroes” Mix of Physical and Virtual Networks Spirit of Trust amongst network participants..and some clever software
Find out more.. Cambridge Network – Collaborative Training Programme – Matching/Dealmaking with Cambridge – Summer School (for people who want to be like us!) – Also: