12 Years of Support from the European Commission for Asynchronous Circuits & Systems Mark B. Josephs Professor of Computing, London South Bank University.


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Presentation transcript:

12 Years of Support from the European Commission for Asynchronous Circuits & Systems Mark B. Josephs Professor of Computing, London South Bank University & Project Manager, IST (ACiD-WG)

Framework Programme 3: 3 “Basic Research” Working Groups 3 “Basic Research” Working Groups ACiD-WG 250K ecu (5 workshops, working conference)ACiD-WG 250K ecu (5 workshops, working conference) INCIDEINCIDE CHARME-2CHARME-2 “Open Microprocessor systems Initiative” Projects “Open Microprocessor systems Initiative” Projects EXACT (handshake circuits + bundled data, asynchronous logic synthesis, I2C I/O expander & DCC error detector)EXACT (handshake circuits + bundled data, asynchronous logic synthesis, I2C I/O expander & DCC error detector) OMI/MAP (AMULET1) … started 1990OMI/MAP (AMULET1) … started 1990 OMI/DE-ARM (AMULET2e)OMI/DE-ARM (AMULET2e) OMI/HORNOMI/HORN

Framework Programme 4: “Technologies for Components and Subsystems” Working Group “Technologies for Components and Subsystems” Working Group ACiD-WG €275K (4 workshops, summer school)ACiD-WG €275K (4 workshops, summer school) “Technologies for Components and Subsystems” Low Power Design Experiments “Technologies for Components and Subsystems” Low Power Design Experiments DESCALE €1,113K (contactless smartcard)DESCALE €1,113K (contactless smartcard) PREST €726K (Viterbi decoder)PREST €726K (Viterbi decoder) AMIED €315K (IDEA implementation)AMIED €315K (IDEA implementation) “Open Microprocessor systems Initiative” Projects “Open Microprocessor systems Initiative” Projects OMI/DE2OMI/DE2 OMI/ATOM €2,427K (AMULET3)OMI/ATOM €2,427K (AMULET3)

2000 to date Framework Programme 5: “Essential technologies and infrastructure” Thematic Network “Essential technologies and infrastructure” Thematic Network ACiD-WG €465K (4 workshops, summer school, winter school)ACiD-WG €465K (4 workshops, summer school, winter school) “Essential technologies and infrastructure” Project “Essential technologies and infrastructure” Project ASPIDA €643K (open-source processor IP)ASPIDA €643K (open-source processor IP) “New methods of work and electronic commerce” Project “New methods of work and electronic commerce” Project G3CARD €2,300K (secure smartcard)G3CARD €2,300K (secure smartcard)

Support for participation in Async ACiD-WG covered the costs of 11 researchers attending Async’01, Utah €20K 11 researchers attending Async’01, Utah €20K 23 researchers attending Async’02, Manchester €25K 23 researchers attending Async’02, Manchester €25K 7 researchers attending Async’03, Vancouver €13K 7 researchers attending Async’03, Vancouver €13K

Success story: scientific collaboration 1 August Jordi Cortadella joined ACiD-WG management committee 1 August Jordi Cortadella joined ACiD-WG management committee 14 September Jordi met Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev and Alex Yakovlev at ACiD-WG/EXACT Workshop on Asynchronous Controllers and Interfacing 14 September Jordi met Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev and Alex Yakovlev at ACiD-WG/EXACT Workshop on Asynchronous Controllers and Interfacing 1 May Luciano Lavagno and Alex Yakovlev joined ACiD-WG management committee 1 May Luciano Lavagno and Alex Yakovlev joined ACiD-WG management committee

Success story: career development Ad Peeters, CTO of Handshake Solutions 1 July Employed on EXACT project 1 July Employed on EXACT project 1-12 February Visited Manchester University to learn about bundled-data 1-12 February Visited Manchester University to learn about bundled-data trip funded by ACiD-WGtrip funded by ACiD-WG 16 June Awarded PhD by Eindhoven University of Technology 16 June Awarded PhD by Eindhoven University of Technology 1 September Joined ACiD-WG management committee 1 September Joined ACiD-WG management committee

Forthcoming ACiD-WG workshop, Turku, Finland, June 2004 ACiD-WG workshop, Turku, Finland, June 2004 ACiD-WG winter school, Cambridge, England, January 2005 ACiD-WG winter school, Cambridge, England, January 2005 Will the EC support research into asynchronous circuits & systems under FP6?