30.5 The End of the Vietnam War Objectives: To understand the end of the Vietnam War To analyze the events that decreased the credibility of the U.S. government during the Vietnam War
De-Escalation Nixon was elected on promise of “Peace with honor” Did not want America to look weak on world stage Continued war with North Vietnam even as he removed troops and conducted peace talks Vietnamization: define Begins : Nixon orders invasion of Cambodia Why? What effect are these moves going to have? On the war? On America? War Expands & Anti-war protests at all time high
U.S. Credibility Rocked My Lai Massacre March 1968 Covered up by Army until November 1969 U.S. soldiers killed over 100 S. Vietnamese civilians on search and destroy mission “I poured about four clips into the group…The mothers was hugging their children…we kept on firing” Paul Meadlo Pentagon Papers June Daniel Ellsberg leaks Pentagon Papers Proves that LBJ had planned invasion of Vietnam before 1964 Credibility gap
Lt. William Calley, U.S.A. (Below) & My Lai Village (Right)
Charlie Company landing at My Lai, March 19, 1968
Charlie Company members in My Lai
Charlie Company member takes aim, My Lai, March 19, 1968
Dead civilians, My Lai, March 19, 1968
Charlie Company “WIA”, My Lai, March 19, 1968
Charlie Company members aid wounded child, My Lai, March 19, 1968
Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, U.S. Army, Recipient - Distinguished Flying Cross
Kent State May, 1970 KENT STATE RIOT May, 1970 KENT STATE RIOT Students protesting war burn down ROTC building on Campus National Guard is called in -Protestors start to throw rocks on at the National Guardsmen -Soldiers open fire on protestors 9 wounded 4 killed Damages Nixon’s Image
Ohio National Guard Approaches students at Kent State
Peace Talks National Security advisor Henry Kissinger and Le Doc Tho work out Paris Peace Accords Oct “Peace is at hand” – Kissinger why important? Treaty signed Jan U.S. stops fighting in Vietnam March all U.S. troops are out of Vietnam War is still being fought between North and South Vietnam March 1975 NVA captures Saigon Communist unify Vietnam/ win war Final U.S. casualties KIA: 58,000 WIA: 360,000
1973 U.S. Troops Arrive in America U.S. Troops after hearing news of the U.S. withdrawal
Other Effects of the Vietnam War Cambodia Seized by communist extremists the Khmer Rouge Pol Pot Goal is total agricultural society Westerners exiled Labor Communes – 3 million Cambodians killed U.S. Government War Powers Act President must inform congress within 48 hours of sending combat forces into hostile areas Cannot stay their for more than 90 days without congressional approval