Introduce some Epidemiologic International Courses Elham Ahmadnezhad, MD, MPH, PhD student of Epidemiology 1
Outline CV IEA memberships Some courses Congress 2
CV CURRICULUM VITAE Important Part: Publication 3
IEA Membership 3 years of free membership by applying for Elmer Villanueva Sponsorship Fund nomin 4
45 th Graduate Summer Session in July Epidemiology The University of Michigan School of Public Health Ann Arbor, Michigan For a brochure and application: Overview the courses Fundamentals of Biostatistics Fundamentals of Epidemiology Topics of Infectious Disease Clinical Trials GIS Logistic & Poisson Model Distance Learning Available Survival Analysis Analysis of Longitudinal Data Scientific Writing Methods in Community-Based Research Introduction to SAS Social Epidemiology 5
IEA International Course on Epidemiological Methods Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 3-14 April 2010 Overview of the Course: Study design options Study design issues Data analysis Advanced Methods Writing and Publishing epidemiological research Research ethics 6
28 th Annual Graduate Summer Institue of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, June 14- July 2 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, School of Public Health Overview the Course Principles of Epidemiology Observational Epidemiology Statistical Reasoning in Public Health 1 & 2 Application of Case-Control Method Methods and Applications of Cohort Studies Clinical Trials Bayesian Adaptive Trials Pharmacepidemiology SAS Genetic Epidemiology GIS 7
21 st INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL of EPIDEMIOLOGY at ULM UNIVERSITY, GERMANY July 26 - July 30, Overview the course Introduction to Epidemiology Advanced Methods in Epidemiology Infectious Disease Epidemiology Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials 8
European Educational Programmer in Epidemiology 23 rd Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology Florence, Italy, from 21 June to 9 July 2010, three week main course Social Inequalities in Health in Europe Florence, Italy, from 14 June to 18 June 2010, one week course Overview the Course ▫ Cancer Epidemiology ▫ Fertility and Pregnancy Epidemiology ▫ Global climatic change and health ▫ Epidemiology and environment ▫ local and occupational environment and health ▫ Social environment and health ▫ Statistical methods in epidemiology analysis of follow-up studies 9
20 th Erasmus Summer Program 3 Weeks with 27 Courses and 4 Lectures in Quantitative Medical Research August , 2010 Rotterdam, The Netherlands New courses in 2010 Advances in Epidemiologic Study Design Advances in Genomics Research Markers and Prognostic Research Social Epidemiology Advances in Epidemiologic Study Design Advances in Genomics Research Markers and Prognostic Research Social Epidemiology 10
Summer School in Epidemiology & Global Health 28th June - 16th July 2010 University of Dundee, Scotland ummer. ummer 11
Burgen Summer Research Program 21 June – 2 July Theme: Global Health in Bio-Medical, Social and Cultural Perspectives Poverty, Climate, Environment, Energy, Norms, Values, Language and Culture 12
University of Oslo 2010 Courses 13
9 universities or colleges in Australia offer Postgraduate Epidemiology courses 17 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for University of Queensland17 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesUniversity of Queensland 6 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for Monash University6 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesMonash University 14 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for University of Sydney14 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesUniversity of Sydney 2 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for University of Melbourne2 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesUniversity of Melbourne 2 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for University of Melbourne2 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesUniversity of Melbourne 3 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for Murdoch University3 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesMurdoch University 24 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for University of Newcastle24 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesUniversity of Newcastle 3 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for Australian National University3 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesAustralian National University 3 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses for GradSchool (University of Newcastle)3 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesGradSchool (University of Newcastle) 14
6 colleges run Postgraduate epidemiology courses in London London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine View19Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesView19Postgraduate Epidemiology courses King's College London (University Of London) View 2 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses Imperial College London View 1 Postgraduate Epidemiology courseView 1 Postgraduate Epidemiology course London South Bank University View 1 Postgraduate Epidemiology course In LondonView 1 Postgraduate Epidemiology course University College London - Ucl (University Of London) View 11 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesView 11 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses Thames Valley University (TVU) View 2 Postgraduate Epidemiology coursesView 2 Postgraduate Epidemiology courses 15
Postgraduate Epidemiology courses at University Of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Epidemiology MPhil University of Edinburgh (The) | EH8 9YL Course type Full time | Duration 2 years | Start details To be confirmed Epidemiology MSc (by Research) University of Edinburgh (The) | EH8 9YL Course type Full time | Duration 1 year | Start details To be confirmed Epidemiology PhD University of Edinburgh (The) | EH8 9YL Course type Full time | Duration 3 years | Start details To be confirmed 16
Epidemiology Congress th August Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology, June
Public Health Conferences Worldwide m 18