The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School Miramonte High School
Podcasting - reaching out to students Educate –The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School –Miramonte High School, Orinda California Innovate –PA Cyber supplements online curriculum with audio and video Podcasts –Miramonte uses Blackboard as a venue for student news and radio shows Everywhere –Students receive curriculum on the go –Students learn communication and civic literacy skills
About PA Cyber Your Child, Your Choice, Your School PA Cyber is an independent, tuition-free, public charter school where students and families build their own school out of choices, not bricks. 4,450 Students 400 Employees (full and part time)
About PA Cyber Your Child, Your Choice, Your School 102 Asynchronous Courses –Lincoln Interactive Curriculum –Grades 7 through 12 –Currently used by 14 schools across the USA 53 Synchronous Courses –Live Interaction –Grades 3 through 12 –2,200 Students Enrolled
Why We Need Podcasts Diverse Student Population –Students Who Travel –Professional Athletes –Performers –Accelerated/Gifted Students –Young Mothers or Fathers –Students Needing Extra Help
What We Are Doing Audio (MP3) files of each lesson in English, Science, and Social Studies. Video supplements in Math. Future – All synchronous courses recorded and converted to podcasts.
Sample Podcasts Audio Podcast
Sample Podcasts Video Podcast
Sample Podcasts Textbook Video Presentation
How We Are Doing It Audio files are recorded using Easy Hi-Q Recorder and inserted directly into the Blackboard course. Video files are converted to MP4 format using QuickTime. Currently reviewing the best technology to record and convert synchronous courses.
Podcasting Challenges Cost of providing an iPod to every student. Conversion to iPod audio/video format. Transfer from Blackboard to student iPod. Amount of server storage space required.
Benefits of Podcasting Increased Mobility Learning Reinforcement Differentiated Learning
Educate - Miramonte High School
Educate The innovators - Advanced Communication Media Class
Educate Focus on literacy and communications arts
Innovate Blackboard provides student produced broadcast news
Innovate Embracing new technologies
Innovate The assignment
Innovate Pre-production - research
Innovate Pre-production - write questions
Innovate Pre-production - create music
Innovate Production - the interview
Innovate Post-production - edit and upload
Innovate The technology - computers with sound cards
Innovate The technology - software
Innovate The technology - recorders
Innovate The technology - downloading
Innovate The technology - headphones
Everywhere Other classroom applications
Everywhere Adding to the Blackboard Learning System
Everywhere Display media within the page
Everywhere Create a link to the file
Everywhere Promoting civic literacy
Everywhere RSS feed converter from Podcast sites to Blackboard
Everywhere Autofeed of Podcasts shows to Blackboard site
Everywhere Results
Jaime M. Klein Senior Instructional Technology Specialist The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School 900 Midland Avenue, Midland PA, Phone: 888-PACYBER x 1172 Cheryl Davis Teacher / Technology Coordinator Miramonte High School 750 Moraga Way, Orinda CA, Phone: (925)