Volunteering in Schools Schools and Colleges Liaison Service September 2014
Children’s University Mentoring projects Out of school/evening activities Six week commitment More to life than me Aspirations & Ambitions Life Fitness Change the World My Space Fuel and Energy
Children’s University Mentoring projects Out of school/evening activities Six week commitment More to life than me Aspirations & Ambitions Life Fitness Change the World My Space Fuel and Energy
HUSSO – Education & Mentoring Primary Reading Project Time commitment: one visit per week for full semester Secondary Support Project One day per week during semester time Special Educational Needs Frederick Holmes School Opportunity to develop individual projects
Student ambassadors You may be involved in one day, half day or evening events designed to promote this university and/or to raise aspiration. Off campus: School or college HE event /activity Student Life talks Working as a classroom assistant Mentoring On campus: School/college visit to the campus School/college visit to your department Student shadowing Campus visits by prospective students Open Days ACE Days Residential Summer School
Students in Schools Placements available in primary & secondary schools and Sixth form colleges as Classroom assistants Mentors Benefits of volunteering explore the possibility of a career in teaching classroom experience working alongside qualified teachers develop skills & enhance CV Commitment Variable but arranged around your academic commitments For more information about routes into teaching:
Classroom placements Training & Induction (on campus)December - to be confirmed University Exam Period12-23 January Week 1 - InductionW/C 26 January Week 2W/C 2 February Week 3W/C 9 February School half term February Week 4W/C 23 February Week 5W/C 2 March Week 6W/C 9 March Week 7W/C 16 March University Easter VacationW/C 23 March Week 8W/C 13 April Week 9W/C 20 April Week 10W/C 27 April Optional weekW/C 4 May Optional weekW/C 11 May Final reportMonday 18 May University Exam Period18 May – 12 June
If you are interested in becoming a student ambassador and the opportunity to volunteer in schools please contact: Larkin G pm today Schools and Colleges Liaison Service Room 020 Venn building T: E: