The Nordic Nations
Scandinavia (DO NOT WRITE THIS SLIDE) Five countries Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Iceland
Norway “Land of the Midnight sun” 1/3 lies north of Arctic Circle Climate mostly cold; warmer along S & W coasts Most people live near oceans
Atlantic coastline has many fjords-steep sided valleys that are inlets of the sea
Wealthy country: Export oil, natural gas, fish Cruise ships
Parliamentary democracy Does not belong to EU Culture: Elegant costumes ¾ urban Like to ski & ride snow mobiles
Sweden Wealthy industrial country Many natural resources-Iron ore, pine forests Exports: Machinery, motor vehicles, paper products, wood and electronics
Welfare state: a country that uses high rates of taxation to provide services to people who are sick, needy, jobless or retired. Constitutional monarchy Member of EU Most people live in cities in southern lowlands
Finland Natural resources: huge forest Exports: paper & wood products Heavy industry-industry that produces manufactured goods such as machinery-drives economy Belongs to EU
Finnish language and culture are different from other Scan countries Finnish language and culture are different from other Scan countries. Finns orig came from Siberia Finns enjoy cross country skiing and saunas- wooden rooms heated by water sizzling on hot stones
Denmark Ruled Iceland for many years Most on peninsula called Jutland Also includes almost 500 islands Also rules Greenland
Link for people & goods between Eur and Nordic nations Some of richest farmland in N Eur Exports: Royal Copenhagen porcelain, Legos
Parliamentary democracy King or Queen head of state Do you know who wrote “the Little Mermaid”?
Iceland Island in the N. Atlantic Land of glaciers and geysers- springs that shoot hot water and steam into air Used for geothermal energy Sits on a fault line
Economy depends on fishing Enjoy books magazines and newspapers 100% literacy rate