Napoli, Procida 24-25 May 2007 Henrik Lauridsen EuropeAid The ENPI CBC programmes and their content.


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Presentation transcript:

Napoli, Procida May 2007 Henrik Lauridsen EuropeAid The ENPI CBC programmes and their content

Origin of the ENPI Regulation

Development of the ENPI Regulation

The ENPI regulation: Key elements

The ENPI regulation: Policy framework

The ENPI regulation: Types of programmes

CBC at the external borders – different instruments Interreg has provided funding for EU border regions since 1991 and Tacis for partner countries since 1996 Phare programme has financed CBC programmes with the candidate countries CBC programmes in the South (Medocc, Archimed) Neighbourhood programmes preparing the new approach Structures have been built, partnership established a common understanding created: Important to build on this experience

ENPI: the new instrument for CBC From 2007 CBC at the EU external borders covered under a new financing instrument Over 1.1 billion € set aside to finance CBC from 2007 to 2013 One set of rules applied on both sides of the borders

ENPI CBC ENPI/CBC Programmes Benefiting from the Neighbourhood Programmes Cover all external borders in east and south

New features of the CBC programmes Multiannual programming approach Fully equal ( balanced) participation in programming and decision making structures MS/PC Instument offers one set of rules on both sides of the border(s)

Key CBC principles (I) Common benefit –Measures financed under ENPI CBC need to benefit both parties, thus the requirement for joint programmes, joint management and joint projects Partners are equal –they prepare the programme together –they jointly designate a single managing authority in charge of “implementing” the programme –they define the priorities and select together the actions to be financed

Key CBC principles (II) Partnership: essential that programmes established in close consultation between central and regional/local level, between state and non-state actors Complementarity: Community assistance shall complement national, regional and local measures Co-financing: partners should contribute with own resources to the programme

ENPI CBC Legal basis and guidelines ENPI Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council ENPI CBC Strategy Paper Implementing Rules Guidelines for the preparation of programmes (not a legal basis) EC Decision: adoption of the Joint Programme Financing Agreement with a partner country

CBC Strategy Paper foundation of the programme preparation The overall programming framework is set up in the CBC Strategy Paper, where: –eligible regions sharing a common border are grouped together into programmes –a 7 year financial allocation for each programme is established –the overall objectives are defined

CBC Strategy Paper foundation of the programme preparation Four objectives: Promote economic and social development Address common challenges Ensure efficient and secure borders Promote people to people co-operation  should be addressed in each programme

What is the joint programme? The document where the partners define together The priorities and measures to be pursued in the programming period The resources allocated to these priorities and measures The way the programme will be managed. No agreement  no programme

Joint Programme Preparation and programme content Eligible Programme area as defined in the Strategy Paper Description and analysis of the geographical area covered by the Programme Priorities: what is to be achieved and what measures will be supported - based on regional analysis and the four objectives as laid down in the Strategy Paper Strategic Environmental Assessment

When will CBC start? ENPI Regulation entered into force on 01 January 2007 The CBC Strategy Paper was adopted by the Commission in February 2007 The Implementing Rules in the process of being adopted Timing largely depends on partners: when the programmes are ready they can be presented to the Commission.

How is a joint programme adopted? Partners present the programme to the Commission; The Commission verifies conformity with the Regulation, the Strategy Paper and the implementing rules; If OK Commission adopts; Programme starts in full when partner country sign the financing agreement (N+1).

Expected timetable for setting up the programmes Submission by JMAs of joint programme documents to the European Commission, Oct. 07- March 2008 Preparation of EC decisions for the adoption of the programmes (first decisions end 2007) Programmes become operational after Commission decision in the MS and after signature of Financing Agreements in partner countries (signature end 2007 / beginning of 2008)

ENPI CBC 9 land border and 3 sea crossing programmes

ENPI CBC 3 sea basin programmes

Proposed programmes ENPI CBC in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region 2 programmes Spain/Morocco € € Italy/Tunisia € Black Sea Basin Programme € Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme €

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programmes JMA: Cagliari, Sardinia Region (Bucharest) JTS: Cagliari, Sardinia Region (Romania) –2 antennas: One in East and one in West (?)

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme Strategic projects, 3-5 mill € –Themes/sectors identified ex-ante by JMC and supported by TORs Transnational partnership projects, mill € –Local initiated projects via calls for proposals - Can be single, integrated and symmetric projects At least 3 participating countries for joint projects and 4 for strategic projects (in principle min. 1 MS and 1 PC) Lead partner can be in both MS/PC

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme Examples of activities Partnerships of development agencies for the exchange of expertise and competencies and innovation in development policies, training of development agents applying common methodologies, integrated, and comparative analysis of needs in the Basin Area Establishment of networks for the exchange of good practices, exchange of innovations and expertise for the development of rural and fishery local systems. Partnerships of protected areas authorities for the promotion of sustainable tourism in the natural areas in the Black Sea Basin.

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme Networks of tourism promotion agencies for common initiatives on the international market Improvement of services in tourism activities Establishment of partnership among SMEs development agencies, for the exchange of good practices, training of experts with homogeneous methodologies, and transfer of expertise and competencies. The creation of a network of agencies and institution for the joint design and promotion of initiatives in the field of service provision to SMEs.

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme Training for staff of local bodies and institutions supporting SMEs, especially for the improvement of capability to operate in interregional initiatives: (e.g. marketing plans, product development, small business management The Exchange of experiences and good practices through the establishment of partnerships among Environmental NGOs and Educational Institutions. Establishment of a network partnership for the development of methodologies and capabilities of the responsible disaster authorities in view of the response to oil spills on the coastal area and marine pollution mitigation Establishment of a Sea Basin network for Capacity Building for local and regional administrators.

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme The Exchange of experiences and good practices through the establishment of partnerships among Environmental NGOs and Educational Institutions. Establishment of a network partnership for the development of methodologies and capabilities of the responsible disaster authorities in view of the response to oil spills on the coastal area and marine pollution mitigation Establishment of a Sea Basin network for Capacity Building for local and regional administrators. Initiatives for innovation in institution building for local and regional development: design and test of methodologies for technical support and provision of services to SMEs.

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme The creation of networks of the authorities managing Natural protected Areas, for the exchange of expertise, good practices, and innovation in technical and scientific methodologies, for the monitoring, protection and valorisation of the natural resources. The start up of joint initiatives for the promotion on the international market for natural and cultural tourism of the protected areas of the Sea basins, with a common basis of informational and promotional instruments. Partnerships of Institutions for the adoption of innovative technologies and procedures for waste management and disposal. Networks for information and educational activities, including awareness-raising campaigns, in the field of wastewater and solid waste management, water saving and waste recycling.

Mediterranean and Black Sea Basin Programme Partnerships for the exchange of visits of students and scholars for the establishment of cultural integration channels in the basin area. Partnership of universities, high schools and research centres, for design and development of special educational programmes based on topics of common interest in the basin area. The establishment of partnerships for the promotion of cultural heritage values The creation of networks of cultural centers, sharing cultural values from all regions.

Governmental bodies ► Partner countries, their regions and their institutions ► Decentralized bodies in the partner countries ► Local authorities and administrations ► Joint bodies of partner countries and the Community ► Public or semipublic bodies Governmental bodies ► Partner countries, their regions and their institutions ► Decentralized bodies in the partner countries ► Local authorities and administrations ► Joint bodies of partner countries and the Community ► Public or semipublic bodies Non-state actors: ► NGOs ► Trade associations ► Women and youth organizations ► Cross- border associations ► Cultural, research and scientific organizations ► Organizatio ns representing economic and social interests Non-state actors: ► NGOs ► Trade associations ► Women and youth organizations ► Cross- border associations ► Cultural, research and scientific organizations ► Organizatio ns representing economic and social interests Beneficiaries

Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme

Practical information Mailbox address: Website: cross_border/index_en.htm