Personalized System for Instruction (PSI) “as fast as they can or as slowly as they need” – Michael Metzler
Background Originally designed in the 1960s by Dr. Fred Keller Used for university psychology courses (> 300 students/class)
What is PSI? Student-centered approach Course/topic is broken into modules Modules into units Places more responsibility on student Allows teacher to monitor class
Components of PSI Learning is self-paced Mastery-based learning Content is passed on via written instructions Proctors Lectures and demos designed to increase motivation
Benefits Student learning is increased (Creggor & Metzler, 1992) Higher rates of: Engagement Skill practice Academic learning time Verbal & non-verbal feedback
Goals of PSI Student mastery Small units Coherent progression Demonstration of mastery 4. Observable criterion 5. Corrective actions
What Do Students Need? Readiness for learning Independent? Reading skills? Responsible? Are they receptive to the idea? What type of student will enjoy this model?
PSI Approach
PSI in Physical Education Begin with lecture/talk View demonstration Written cues Practice/Drill Readiness Drill Corrections Criterion Task
Task Presentation Written text Pictures Videos
Structure Equipment Space/location Performance criteria Safety concerns Task completion Corrections
The Workbook The most important component Uses Attendance Contract/disclosure Progress chart Modules
What about the Teacher? Appropriate learning Able to explain in writing Break down skills Meaningful assessments
PSI Pros Cons Self paced Intrinsic motivation Teaches personal responsibility Aids in technology learning Literacy More freedom for teacher Meaningful? Front loaded Teacher needs to be expert ? Student readiness Can’t continue until completed
Which Situation Grade Level PSI? Adaptations? Preschool No Elementary Middle School/Jr. High Yes Decrease learning tasks Simplify Stations Task cards Others? High School Peer teaching Media Teacher checked tasks Adults None
Summary Self Paced Less time in instruction Increases intrinsic motivation More responsibility on student Ton of work for teacher to set up More activity
Conclusion Suggestions for future consideration Content Other courses Strategy Advanced skills Other courses Alternative deliveries DVD Ipad
Module Intro Task Cues Comprehension Readiness drill Errors Criterion task Challenge drill
Set Shot Demo